Since Battle Weekend, Giovanni has been attacking with Crypto-Latios in Pokémon GO. We show you how to quickly defeat the Rocket boss. San Francisco - The Rocket boss Giovanni is considered one of the most difficult opponents in Pokémon GO. Currently, Giovanni is attacking with a brand new team that... read more
The Battle Weekend is now underway in Pokémon GO, and Giovanni has added Crypto-Latios to his team. We at MeinMMO took a look at what kind of Pokémon this is and whether it's even worth it. What kind of Pokémon are we talking about? Pokémon GO is currently running the... read more
In Pokémon GO, there is always criticism from players in rural areas that they cannot use the game in the same way as players in cities. We at MeinMMO spoke with Philip Marz from Niantic about this and he explained how this issue should be dealt with. What issue are... read more
At the end of May 2022, the folks at Pokémon Go tweaked the contents of the event box that trainers receive once a week in the store in exchange for a Pokécoin. The significant change in the fourth week of May shaped up as follows: The event box no longer... read more
Pokémon GO drastically adjusted its gameplay during the Corona pandemic - with success. But now players* should play outside again, says Niantic. Hamburg - Almost two years ago, Corona broke out and forced the modern world into a lockdown of this magnitude for the first time. All of a sudden,... read more
"Sorry, but I can't do anything with that," says Andreas from Switzerland. Little Lukasz from Poland is sad. He wanted to trade Andreas a Venuflibis, a rare plant Pokémon found only in the southeastern United States and the Bahamas. But Lukasz has nothing to offer that Andreas needs. The deal... read more
Pokémon GO has seen a number of changes in recent months as developers look to send players outside more. Now trainers are making a clear demand about this and want old features back. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at what this is all about. What changes is Pokémon... read more
In Pokémon GO, Adventure Week will be starting in a few days, with two new Pokémon making their debut. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at which monsters they are and show you what else you can expect during the event. Which event is it about? After the upcoming... read more
From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? League of Legends Champion – Assassin Evelynn Within the dark seams of Runeterra, the demon Evelynn searches for her next victim. She lures in prey with the voluptuous façade of a human female, but once a person succumbs... read more
From May 25, there will be a special research "ALoLa to ALoLa" in which players* must "choose a path". We reveal the solution to all the steps. San Francisco - In Pokémon GO, the ALoLa - Season is slowly coming to an end. For this reason, there is one last... read more
Corona is over, from now on it's back to business as usual - this slightly modified Stromberg saying could currently also apply to Pokémon GO, at least if you look at the latest changes to the game. Niantic is currently doing a lot to get trainers to play more with... read more
Legendary Mega Raids now feature level 6 Raid difficulty for the first time in Pokémon GO, which some players are happy about, while others find it too crunchy. But there is one thing that both factions find disturbing. What's new? Since the launch of the Air Event, Legendary Mega Raids... read more
One Pokémon GO fan has set himself a particularly crazy challenge: He levels up his character without catching a single Pokémon in the wild. In the meantime, he has already made it to level 30. What do gamers do when they have already invested many hours in a particular game... read more
In Pokémon GO, trainers have been demanding a way to communicate with each other in-game for years. Now, after an innovation, players have renewed hope that a long-awaited in-game chat could soon become a reality. We at MeinMMO explain to you what happened. What function is it about? In Pokémon... read more
From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? League of Legends Champion – Marksman Twitch Twitch is not afraid to get his paws dirty. Aiming a chem-powered crossbow at the gilded heart of Piltover Crest Piltover, he has vowed to show those in the city above... read more
Almost without warning, the developers of Pokémon Go have decided to change the effectiveness of the item smoke: If you don't move, smoke will now only attract a Pokémon every 5 minutes instead of about every 30 seconds as before. The change has been in the game for 2.5 weeks... read more
The mid-- Season Battle League in Pokémon Go is now bringing back the Love Cup to trainers*. Until March 22, you get triple stardust for victories. Update 03/16/2022: Normally, the Pokémon GO Love Cup only runs on Valentine's Day. However, the battle league is currently taking a break in the... read more
The dates for the Community Days in Pokémon GO for the coming months have now been set. As usual, you can look forward to one Community Day per month in March, April, and May. We at MeinMMO summarize. When do the Community Days take place? Pokémon GO has now announced... read more
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The new year 2022 is finally here - and with it a flood of new games. These are the 10 games we're most looking forward to in the new year. Hamburg - The gaming year 2021 was a special one. Not everything was good, some games were a bitter disappointment,... read more
You walk through the real world with your phone and little monsters become visible and catchable. Then you take a picture of it, kiss your partner with joy because it's "shiny," and to celebrate, scan a Pokéstop with your smartphone camera to get a reward. All of this doesn't work... read more
In January 2022, Pokémon Go fans have a few events waiting for them that they shouldn't miss. What you can hope for from the New Year event is relatively obvious. More interesting are the new events "Mountains of Power" and "Power Plant of Kanto". What's behind them? We give you... read more
Today the Christmas event starts in Pokémon GO. New Shinys and many bonuses will put you in the festive mood - the new Pokémon Arktip makes its debut! Update from 15 December 2021During the Pokémon GO holidays, you can look forward to many new features in Pokémon GO. New Shinys... read more
In Pokémon GO, the Christmas event started today, December 16, 2021. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at what monsters, shinys and bonuses await you for the first part of the event. What kind of event is it? On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas holidays, there will be... read more
At the last Community Day in December 2021, all the Pokémon from previous Community Days await you. We show you the best special attacks. San Francisco, California - In keeping with the - Season of origin, Pokémon GO is looking to the past. In December 2021, all 22 Pokémon from... read more
When trainers compare Pokémon GO to the main Pokémon games, it quickly becomes clear that there are major differences in some areas. Now trainers are asking for an option in Pokémon GO that has existed in the main series for decades. We took a look at what it's all about... read more