Starcraft Heroes – Graven HillGraven Hill’s battle scars and long list of black market contacts belied a little of his good upbringing on Umoja. As a youth he was supposed to be a politician, like his father and mother, but Graven always found politics unfulfilling and useless.Planets Starcraft – KaldirA... read more
Starcraft Heroes – Horace WarfieldFor a man so deeply involved in the darker and mysterious sides of the Terran League, Horace Warfield had a relatively ordinary childhood. He was born in the Tarsonian coastal town of Kithrup, the youngest son of Shae and Henry Warfield. His parents both worked for... read more
From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Starcraft Heroes – Graven HillGraven Hill’s battle scars and long list of black market contacts belied a little of his good upbringing on Umoja. As a youth he was supposed to be a politician, like his father and mother, but... read more