Riot’s Plans to Fix League of Legends

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#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Ekko.

A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates time to twist any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Z-Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there’s a threat to his friends, he’ll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – Invictus .

Invictus Gaming has regained its old continuity and class and poses a real threat to the tournament favourites. In 2012 the team was at its peak when they won The International. In the years that followed, the team went through a crisis. Many roster changes, many changes – but nothing should really lead to the goal. The franchise Invictus Gaming also suffered from the ongoing lack of success.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Pentakill.

The Sentinels event is over so we need something to fill the gap until the next big event in #LeagueofLegends. And how do we fill this gap? With skins of course! But not just any skins, Pentakill skins! Hype! Let’s take a look at the release date, the champions and the price of the Pentakill skins.

#LeagueofLegends Guides- Maps.

Summoner’s Rift. The name is almost synonymous with #LeagueofLegends. It is the most famous battle arena of any MOBA ever. It’s a map that have called home for the past 10 years, but with such a prominent map, is there even room for other maps in #LeagueofLegends?

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Deficio joins Misfits Gaming.

Misfits Gaming has announced that they have recruited Martin “Deficio” Lynge as Director of Misfits Gaming Europe. The former gamer and caster confirmed this in a tweet of his own, stating that he will be joining the Misfits organization and hopes that his experience will help the team.

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