#ReworkMercy FRESH IDEAS Overwatch eSports

Player Transfers – Week 23: Skadoodle Completes T1 Roster

Every Tuesday night we bring you the latest player transfers from the world of Esports. After its official release, Valorant is getting more and more traffic from the Esports scene, especially CS:GO is losing a lot of players.

Heroes – Torbjorn

Torbjörn’s versatile arsenal includes a bolt cannon, a hammer, and his very own forge that allows him to set up guns.The standard PC key mapping shown below can be customized in-game.

Overwatch: Guard Point Gibraltar – Map Guide

Looking for atmospheric baller orgies in the sunset? You’ll definitely get your money’s worth at Watchpoint Gibraltar. The goal of the attackers is to transport the cargo from A to B. The – who would have thought? The defenders – who would have thought it – try to prevent exactly that.

Alien Zarya: Sinatraa’s MVP skin is available for two more weeks

Jay ” Sinatraa ” Won is one of the most recognizable faces among Overwatch pros, maybe even esports as a whole. After all, he was not only on our monitors on Twitch Stream or YouTube, but also on linear TV on Jimmy Fallon .


Reaper’s shotguns can only unleash their great damage potential at short range or against large targets. We mitigate this somewhat by increasing the range at which they hit reliably while reducing the maximum damage of each shot.

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