Rainbow Six – Siege Quick Reinforcement Guide

: Reinforcements are a crucial aspect of Six Siege that can make the difference between victory and defeat. Knowing where and when to reinforce can be the key to securing the objective and protecting your team from enemy attacks.

Here are some quick to help you make the most of your reinforcements in Rainbow Six Siege:

1. Communication is Key: Before the round starts, communicate with your team about which walls and hatches need to be reinforced. Coordination is necessary to ensure that all critical areas are covered.

2. Prioritize Walls: Reinforce walls that lead directly into the objective room or areas that are vulnerable to enemy fire. This will help to limit the opponent’s entry points and establish a more defensible position.

3. Watch Out for Hatches: Reinforcing hatches above the objective room can prevent enemies from gaining a vertical advantage. Make sure to prioritize reinforcing hatches that could give attackers an easy way to drop into the objective room.

4. Leave Rotational Holes: While it’s necessary to reinforce key areas, leaving some walls soft with rotation holes can provide your team with additional mobility. These rotation holes can be used to flank enemies or escape dangerous situations.

5. Be Efficient: Reinforcements are limited, so use them wisely. Avoid reinforcing unnecessary walls or areas that won’t directly affect the defense of the objective. Save reinforcements for critical choke points and vulnerable spots.

6. Adapt to the Situation: As the round progresses, be prepared to adapt your reinforcement based on the enemy’s movements and actions. Reinforce areas that are being targeted by attackers or reinforce hatches that are at risk of being breached.

By following these quick reinforcement tips, you can help bolster your team’s defense and increase your chances of success in Rainbow Six Siege. Remember to communicate with your team, prioritize key areas, and be flexible in your reinforcement strategy to outsmart the enemy and secure the objective.