players find Squad #Battles glitch for easy victories

Once again there is a glitch in . Players found a trick to make the games against the AI in Ultimate Team easier.

Where does the glitch work? The glitch can only be used in #SquadBattles. Here you do not play against real opponents, but against teams controlled by the AI. As opponents you can choose from different teams of different ratings, chemistry values, as well as several difficulty levels.

For each victory there are points that advance you in the ranking. Depending on your rank, you can then earn Squad Battles rewards once a week.

Now players have once again found a way to make Squad Battles games easier with a trick, making it easier to get rewards. Already in the last FIFA parts there were similar bugs after the release.

Squad Battles glitch keeps opponents away

This is the trick: In the FIFA subreddit, user “chummi17” shared a video showing how a player – in this case Cuadrado – stays in his own corner and performs the ball roll over and over again (via reddit).

The AI-controlled opponents are lurking, but they do not attack properly. A tackle fails to happen and thus there is no ball gain for the opponent. As it stands, this works on the “World Class” difficulty.

So if you score your own goal and then retreat to the corner, you can easily take the 1-0 and end up conceding a win.

FIFA 22 Squad Battles

The opponent lurks but does not intervene

Does this work without problems? For one thing, you have to manage to score one of your own before you start rolling the ball in the corner – because otherwise you won’t get a win in the end.

Also, you have to pay attention to how your own player’s run looks when rolling the ball. Otherwise, you may run out of bounds or right into your opponent. This in turn results in a loss of the ball and can lead to a goal against you. There’s also the half-time break, after which you h have to win the ball back should the opponent kick off.

Last but not least, it’s still not entirely certain that it works out in absolutely every game. Players sometimes report that isolated opponents do make an effort to win the ball back.

Is this completely new? Already in the past it happened explicitly in Squad Battles that players found ways to trick the AI. In FIFA 20, for example, the whole thing worked with a faked shot, which apparently impressed the AI so much that it no longer dared to attack. In FIFA 21 it was a certain goalkeeper pass that paralyzed the opponent.

After such tricks appeared, EA Sports usually took care of the bug with the help of an update. Then the time stalling was over and the opponent attacked again. However, the new glitch is still in the game as of today.

How long the glitch will last this time remains to be seen. In the current update of FIFA 22 there is no talk about a bugfix. There it is primarily about goalkeepers and quality improvement.

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