Overwatch: Zarya rocks release day! Overwatch eSports

Overwatch Leagues Explained

Overwatch is an incredibly fun game in which you can fight exciting battles with up to five friends on many colorful . But it’s also a high-profile Esports title with hundreds of professional players who spend years training and competing all day.

Overwatch – Brigitte

Brigitte specializes in armor. She can throw repair kits to heal teammates, and nearby allies automatically receive healing when she hits enemies with her flail. She can swing her flail to hit multiple targets, or throw a flail strike to stun a distant enemy.

Overwatch: Nepal – Map

The three points to control in Nepal could hardly be more different and all need their own . In our to Nepal, we explain the map to you and tell you where things keep popping up and what you have to watch out for.

Overwatch Patch Notes – they came like a wrecking ball!

In addition to the PTR, Overwatch also has its live patches. And one of these was implemented yesterday. This time we see mostly buffs for a few heroes, but also a nerf for Ashe. Yesterday we reported about the PTR patch and its changes.


Developer’s comment: Brigitte not only supports her team with many useful abilities, she also brings high amounts of healing and armor. We’re reducing that healing and armor a bit to bring Brigitte in line with the other healers.

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