League of Legends Skins-EDG Worlds

EDG is the 2021 of Legends World Champion team and even if we don’t see them at MSI, we finally get to see their well-deserved skins and they are really great!

After leaking them a few days ago, has now released the splash arts of the 2021 LoL World Championship skins. Most of the champions were already known months ago, they were revealed by the players or their circle. Now, however, we also have the sad certainty that Lulu will unfortunately come up empty. Instead, however, Yuumi is in with a sweet skin, so we forgive Riot once again.

So which champions did the guys from EDG choose and what theme did they go for? Last year, DAMWON took inspiration from Greek deities. 2019’s FPX skins are a bit reminiscent of the Power Rangers and this year it’s going in the direction of anime knights…. good hit, Riot!

Which champions will get EDG World Championship skins?

Logically, five champions will get a skin since there were only five players competing at EDG during the Worlds. They had to choose one of the champions they played during the tournament, and these are the ones they ended up with:

Champion SkinPlayerPosition
EDG GravesFlandreToplane
EDG ViegoJieJieJungle
EDG ZoeScoutMidlane
EDG ApheliosViperBotlane
EDG YuumiMeikoSupport


Flandre played Graves more times during the 2021 Worlds than all the other champions combined. So I guess it makes sense that he chose him.

Another fun fact about the EDG skins is that Meiko wanted Yuumi to look exactly like his cat Raccoon. And when you look at the two in direct comparison, there is a resemblance, isn’t there?

It’s also funny that Meiko named her Raccoon, because Nuguri also wanted Kennen to look like the furry survivalist in his 2020 World Championship skin. Raccoons win every World Championship, it seems!

How much will the EDG Worlds skins cost?

EDG’s World Championship skins will be available in the store for 1350 RP. All of them will be epic and legacy skins and will remain under lock and key until the next LoL Worlds. So if you want to grab one, buy them right at release.

World Championship skins are usually not ultimate or legendary skins, as we want all players to be treated equally. But if we’re being honest, Faker really deserves a legendary Worlds skin for one of his champions.

When will the EDG Worlds skins be released?

The EDG World Championship skins will all be released with patch 12.09, and that’s coming on May 11, 2022. However, those aren’t the only skins, Riot has also announced a number of new High Noon skins that will be released with that patch.

If you are a skin lover, then patch 12.09 is really for you, because there are a lot of skins from two different series waiting for you. What else does Riot have planned? Are there any interesting leaks?

Which champions already have World Championship skins?

Every year there are either five or sometimes six champions who get a skin of the reigning world champions. Some of the champions are so popular that they’ve even been chosen by multiple world champions.

YearWorld championChampions
2011FnaticCorki, Gragas, Janna, Jarvan IV, Karthus
2012Taipei AssassinDr. Mundo, Ezreal, Nunu, Orianna, Shen
2013SKT T1Jax, Lee Sin, Vayne, Zed, Zyra
2014Samsung WhiteRengar, Singed, Talon, Thresh, Twitch
2015SKT T1Alistar, Azir, Elise, Kalista, Renekton, Ryze
2016SKT T1Ekko, Jhin, Nami, Olaf, Syndra, Zac
2017Samsung GalaxyTaliyah, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Rakan, Xayah, Gnar
2018Invictus GamingCamille, FIora, Irelia, Kai’Sa LeBlanc, Rakan
2019FunPlus PhoenixGangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Thresh, Vayne
2020DAMWONJhin, Kennen, Leona, Nidalee, Twisted Fate


Champions like Ezreal, Vayne and Thresh already have two World Championship skins, so it’s very refreshing that we get some new additions with champs like Viego and Aphelios.

Champion skin

Champion skin (or skin for short) refers to the color scheme or appearance of a champion. Most champion skins can be purchased in the Riot Shop with Riot Points, while others are/were only available for special events/promotions. However, some selected chroma skins (color-changed skins)can be purchased at special events for Blue Essence. Some champion skins bring new particles for visual effects, quotes and sound effects. Each skin has its own splashart, which is displayed in the champion selection and loading screen. Since patch 7.16, the custom champion image is also matched to the skin in the game itself.

What is actually… “League of Legends”?

“League of Legends is one of the most successful e-sports titles in the world. But what is it actually about? And what makes the game so popular? An explanation for beginners.

What is League of Legends (“LoL”) about?

In a classic game of “League of Legends,” two teams each have five characters called champions, each with individual characteristics. The main goal of each team is to destroy the opponent’s Nexus (a main building). Before this can be attacked, however, several defenses must be torn down on at least one of the three central level routes (lanes). Similar to “Dota 2”, the heroes receive continuous support on their campaign from AI-controlled units called minions. They storm the battlefield at regular intervals and independently attack enemies or enemy buildings – but only on the three main paths of the map. Those who roam around in the surrounding jungle will have to do without minion help. As usual in the genre, the champions reach higher levels by collecting experience points. In the course of the match, they learn numerous new abilities. Provided they have enough gold, the player can also strengthen himself with new equipment. Each of the 141 hero characters that the player can currently choose from is assigned to one of six classes. Warriors can deal out a lot of damage, tanks take a lot of punishment, mages have powerful special abilities, and supporters can, among other things, replenish the mana energy of allies or heal their comrades-in-arms.