League of Legends | Official Teaser Trailer (2009)

Thank you to #LeagueofLegends for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RprbAMOPsH0

The *Official* #LeagueofLegends Trailer. Enjoy!


#LeagueofLegends Champion – Fighter Diana.

Bearing her crescent moonblade and clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, Diana is a living embodiment of the silver moon’s power. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon’s towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to understand her power and purpose in this world.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – TNC Predator.

TNC Predator counts as a
real underdog with big ambitions for The International 2018. The team can rely on a strong roster with the most capable Filipino players – Raven, Sam_H and co. … The team is bursting with motivation for the upcoming tournament. Fourth place in the DAC 2018, in which they lost to Virtus.pro in the third round in the lower tier, counts as an international success.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Neue Firecracker.

So, we may have just talked about the Crystal Rose skins, but is apparently way ahead of us again, with LoL Patch 12.02. Engage!These are the skins to celebrate Chinese New Year with this year – The Firecracker #Skins! And this year, a lot of champions will be invited to the celebration.

#LeagueofLegends Guides- Ekko Jungle Champion.

In this Season 11 Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Ekko in the Jungle. We’ll show you what makes the Time Breaker so strong and how to play the Assassin on the strongest position of the Solo Cue. You want to make life hell for your opponent’s Carries? No problem with our Season 11 Ekko Champion Guide.

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Guide: Lillia Builds and Runes.

Lillia belongs to a special kind of champions, because she is a Battle Mage. This means that you deal magic damage with her, but move into melee range to do so. Her kit is based on playing around enemies, seeking combat again and again, and then moving to medium range. The longer the fight, the more Movement Speed you up. Lilia’s core ability is the Q – in the outer area you cause True DMG with it, which makes you deadly for the enemy tanks and carries.

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