League of Legends Guides- Amumu

In this – Season 11 Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Amumu in the Jungle. We’ll show you what makes the mummy so strong and how to give all the assassins a run for their money – on the strongest position of the solo cue, of course. Let’s start with our – Season 11 Amumu Champion Guide!

Since LoL Patch 11.17 Amumu is really cleaning up the jungle. What a difference a few small changes and a second charge on his Q can make… Or was he actually that strong before and now only the right people play him? Everything about the mini-rework of the sad mummy and why he is so awesome in the – Season 11 Jungle as of late, you can find out in this Amumu Champion Guide.

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Amumu Champion Guide: Runes and Itembuilds

The times of the sad mummy are finally over. And as currently on everything, precision works wonderfully on Amumu. Here are all the runes for his Jungle build:

  • Keystone: Conqueror
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand

Precision brings everything the modern jungler needs: Conqueror and your massive AoE damage heals Amumu in team fights, and Triumph amplifies this effect on kills. Also, you get toughness from what is actually an offensive skill, and Last Stand increases your damage by 8% on average – just like that. If those aren’t good jungle runes, I don’t know what is!

Your secondary tree is Domination with these two runes:

  • Cheap Shot
  • Ravenous Hunter

Cheap Shot is perfect because you stun everything around you with your Q and Ultimate. Your W and Ultimate give you 10 Conqueror stacks almost instantly, and Ravenous Hunter heals you even more!

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Depending on how the game goes, and of course depending on the builds of your opponents, you can build different items:

  • Thornmail
  • Demonic Embrace (incredibly good with the AoE of W and Ultimate)
  • Zhonya’s
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Morellonomicon

There are now even some high Elo players who don’t even build Sunfire Aegis anymore, but Everfrost. This makes your CC infinitely long and can work quite well. But it needs some practice and a good feeling for the timing between the CCs.

Amumu Jungle Guide: Early Game

Be aware of your weaknesses in the Early Game and don’t force yourself into bad positions around the Scuttle or in the Jungle. The early game of Amumu has a few weaknesses. However, if you are aware of them, you can hardly get hurt. There are some AD champions like Xin and more recently Zed who can get through the Jungle faster and easier than Amumu. However, you can make up some time by using your Q to pull yourself through walls to the next camp. The biggest sticking point is fighting for the first Scuttle Crab.

Either change your route so that you leave one of the Scuttles for the enemy Jungler, or play with your team and try to get the First Blood. Of course, the latter only works if your solo laners have strong early game champions and also have prio on the lane, i.e. can roam. If you are scaling champions, keep your head down. It’s better to give away a crab than to pay with your life.

When you counter the scuttle, make sure that you only use one of the two Q-charges. With the first one you can break the shield of the scuttle, so you can really burst it. But you definitely need the second one for fighting.

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Amumu Champion Guide: Mid Game

In the mid-game, you should have your Sunfire Aegis and your Plated Steelcaps, or Mercury’s Treads. You don’t need much more than that to be maximally efficient. Amumu is one of the tanks that has both damage and Tons of CC. You don’t even need much AP, Conqueror, your W and the DOT from Aegis do all the work.

If you gank, dare to use your first Q early. You definitely have a chance to hit again. For quick and easy kills, don’t hesitate with the Ultimate. If you can catch and kill the enemy mid laner or jungler before a team fight, you should do it immediately.

Otherwise, the mid game is all about objectives. When the next Drake spawns, make sure you have enough vision early. You have a clear advantage in team fights with Amumu, and especially in tight spaces like the Dragon or Baron Pit, people don’t want to fight you. Try to get into the backline with one of your two Qs. Your Ulti, the massive CC and damage will really do the rest. Whether Silver or Master, Amumu is one of the strongest team fighters in all of !

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Amumu Champion Guide: Late Game

The Late Game is no longer about the perfect Jungle Clears or 1v2 Lane Ganks. Vision around the Baron and Dragon Soul are literally game-changing. You are not a full tank like Zac, for example, or Braum. Of course you should be in front of your carries, but a good Amumu flank can turn a complete fight. Should you be able to pull yourself into the opponents from the side, who happen to be on the pile, then even a Quicksilver Sash won’t save a carry. Late game team fights in LoL currently last 5-10 seconds in the solo queue. If you find an Engage that stuns 3 or even 4 people on the spot for 3 seconds, then the math is done quickly.

For such a flank to work, it is of course necessary that your team has the necessary awareness and that you have cleared the opponent’s yards beforehand. As always: As a jungler you need a good understanding of objectives, timings and movements over the map.

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Amumu Jungle Guide: Good and Bad Matchups

Good matchups for Amumu are champions that thrive on their mobility. Zed has been one of the best junglers as of late, and many pros are clamoring for nerfs. But Amumu is the perfect counter for him. As soon as Zed tries to take out your carries, use your Ulti and then your Q to hold him in place. After that, he’s dead. Also, as Amumu, you can simply aim your Q at Zed’s shadow, which he will inevitably jump back to.

With Lee, it’s not much different. As soon as he’s in range: Ulti, Q, dead. Additionally, you can even interrupt Lee Sin’s Q in mid-jump with your own stun.

However, it looks bad against other AP champions and Trundle. The Troll is the perfect solo jungler and can be very dangerous to you with his Ultimate. Do not fight him in 1v1 under any circumstances. Talyiah and Zac are simply unstoppable, or just too fast for you.

I hope you enjoyed my Amumu Champion Guide and feel more confident in handling him and will test him in the solo cue today!

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