Dota 2 – Patch: 6.87 – BANANA ??? – Easter EGG ? – Dota eSports

Cosmetics -Aspects of Beast and Man

The set comes with a weapon, head, back, and arms. In addition, the weapon has new visual effects for “Blade Fury”.

Heroes 2 – Zeus

The damage done by Static Field always depends on the current amount of Health and can be up to 11% of it. Through his Ultimate ability Thundergod’s Wrath, Zeus can even damage all enemy Heroes on the map and temporarily enable True Sight on them. Aghanim’s Scepter only increases the damage of the ultimate.

Dota 2 Player – Cr1t- Andreas Franck Nielsen

Cr1t- was introduced to Warcraft III by his cousin, initially playing custom games and DotA on a casual basis. After playing a number of public matches, he wanted to further invest into Dota by creating teams and playing scrims on the Dotalicious server. Upon later meeting Ace he began his debut under We haz Asian in June 2012 when Unicornxoxo asked Cr1t- to join the team as a mid player

Items Dota 2-Platemail

Platemail is a utility item from DotA and Dota 2.

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