COD Warzone – 10 tips for squad gameplay

Band of Brothers, let’s be brothers in arms. How do we dominate CoD as a ? With C4 drones, heavily armored trucks as mobile shields and heli crews. But also tactics: Turn a 3-on-1 situation into a duel. Stay out of sight lines when doctoring. But how do you use counter snipers again? 10 Warzone pro on how to better serve your today.

Hach, how we miss Band of Brothers. This great series by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. But also this wonderful game series from Gearbox Entertainment. Does anyone here remember this wonderfully tactical shooter? In memory of Hell’s Highway, we’re currently using the Corona quarantine and playing Call of Duty Warzone up and down. What a game: Just before this article is written, the adrenaline is rushing a bit, because we only used a Glock to take down such an annoying helicopter pilot and his Little Bird. Okay, there was a bit of luck involved – a few shots hit the rotor, a few hit the pilot, who fell out just before the bird exploded.

But hach, let’s not digress: We are Die Mannschaft says Jögi Löws Team, we are the Squad say in Call of Duty Warzones BR Squad mode. Yes, we already drew too many comparisons to Battlefield in the last special, but doesn’t it feel the same? Let’s get real: one guy is flying, one guy is sitting next to him, two more are sitting in the back, foot casually on the skids. With a fully upgraded assault rifle brand M13, we holster on the enemy below – two campers who have made themselves comfortable on the roof of a hotel. So not friends – short flyover and it has camped out.

Reading Tip:

Call of Duty Warzone in review – The better Battlefield 6?


Heli crews are similarly efficient as in Battlefield, since the maps bring a lot of skyscrapers and rooftops that are good to take under fire.

Unfortunately, there’s currently only the Little Bird, so no Black Hawk or even Apache yet, with which a little more firepower could be brought into the field, but even with the smallest of all helicopters they can work very effectively in Warzone. Because the maps are very large, the flag points and bases are often widely distributed. With the Little Bird they can easily fly in, take a point, collect the points and be gone before the enemy arrives. This is much easier than in Battlefield, because despite the high player count of 150 on the server, only four players form a team in squad mode. So there are many, many squads fighting against each other, not complete armies.

The probability that the enemy will react directly to such actions is correspondingly low. Also because he first has to get to the air base or the soccer stadium.

Bonus info:

In case you haven’t noticed yet: The two current maps are bursting with references and recreations from past Call of Duty parts – for example, the crashed helicopter comes from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the settlement Novi Grazna Hills is modeled after that suburb near Washington DC where the Russian invasion first strikes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Killhouse from Call of Duty 4 has been fully implemented, in the military base in the far north. And the TV station is a complete recreation of Broadcast – that mission in the first Modern Warfare where we storm a TV station with the US Marines to find the Wolf.

The trucks are extremely well armored and are difficult to crack even with assault rifles. Be sure to use them as mobile cover.

Trucks and SUVs are pretty well armored in Call of Duty: Warzone. Namely, the front windshield is bulletproof for smaller projectiles in each case, and only sniper rifles and special types of ammunition can penetrate it. You are really vulnerable mainly from the sides, where there is no armored glass. The trucks are also recommended for squads because the team can take a seat in the back. If they lie down, they can efficiently fight pursuers – for example in SUVs – and the rocket launcher is especially useful here. It is also needed to crack such a truck. The trucks can withstand an astonishing amount of machine gun fire, which predestines them as a mobile shield. With the truck you can also secure money depots and capture flags in the Plunder mode. If you are being chased by helicopters, the rocket shooter on the truck bed will take over.

PCWELT Tip No. 3: How to turn a 3-on-1 situation into a duel

You can’t push aggressively in 3-on-1, but you can buy time until your squad is ready to go again.

Now it gets tactical: In Warzone you will often have the situation that a teammate gets shot and needs to be patched up. This puts your squad in a dangerous situation – all the enemy has to do now is push, forcing you into a 3-on-1 situation. One is down, the other is doctoring him. You have to stop the enemy. What you do now is stall for time: You can’t retreat completely into the depth, that is defensive, because then the enemy presses and overruns you. So you have to counterattack, but only half offensively. To do this, you peek with your sights at a sharp angle, so you can only see and attack one opponent. Fire, take him out, retreat – his team will be unsettled by this in the optimal case, which gives the Medic enough time to do his job. You now have three people again, push forward and win.

PCWELT Tip No. 4: C4 drones are extremely efficient

If you’ve come from the Battlefield world in Call of Duty Warzone, you know the trick: everything gets better with C4. Unforgettable the moments when we strapped C4 packs on buggies and shot up ramps with them to blow helicopters out of the sky. You can achieve something similar with C4 drones: Just strap two C4 packs onto a drone, fly away, have fun: If you attack heli crews, you can easily send a whole team packing. Or convoys – if half of the team drives in a truck, the others in a buggy behind, it goes boom once and tears both vehicles apart. This takes a bit of luck, but it’s doable. It’s amazing how precisely the drone can be controlled, which is proven by the pretty funny video in these lines.

PCWELT Tip No. 5: Mark enemies and assign targets to squad mates

This is also primarily a Battlefield mechanic: In order to efficiently coordinate flank attacks as a squad leader, you can give instructions to inexperienced colleagues in particular as to where they should position themselves – beginners like to run straight into enemy fire or seek out combat without first considering where there is sufficient cover and, above all, a good firing position. As in Battlefield, it’s rarely a matter of just lumbering off, but of sneaking into position, looking for the optimal position and surprising the enemy team. If you open fire too early, it will give the enemy plenty of time to coordinate. Attacking from a distance is only recommended in two scenarios: You have sniper superiority or the enemy is close to a vehicle. In this case, you can use the Javelin launcher to hit them, and the explosions will take out all the soldiers in the vicinity. It’s worth it, after all, fallen enemies leave all their equipment, which your whole team can use to equip themselves.

PCWELT Tip No. 6: When one is shot, all must cooperate

If one goes down, have the person crawl to you for cover – don’t start doctoring in the enemy’s line of fire.

This should go without saying, but the in-game reality paints a different picture: instead of moaning or complaining when you get shot, rather make clear announcements: 1 enemy right in front of me, got him, is down to 50% life. Second is waiting at the door, no contact yet. This way your team can tactically analyze what to do, which danger spots to eliminate and how to doctor you up as quickly as possible. Enormously important for the man with the adrenaline shot: don’t overreact and start resuscitation before the danger is averted – there’s no point in starting resuscitation, the enemy will lumber in and get them both. Pay attention to the enemy’s lines of sight – in extreme cases, the colleague will have to slide a bit to them, which will cost time, but it’s better than sitting on the plate.


PCWELT Tip No. 7: Team communication leads to victory

Squad is challenging as a mode because you play against 4-man teams at a time. It is essential to work with callouts: “One down, second shot”. You need to know how many enemies you already have in direct contact to estimate whether the enemy squad is working with a sniper or machine gunner – the sniper will quickly kill your comrades and it’s hard to react if you don’t have a counter-sniper. A machine gunner simply crashes into your group – if you stand too close, the majority can be seriously wounded. In communication, you need to discuss beforehand how you want to talk. Not everyone understands an “enemy at 12 o’clock, additionally secure at 9.”

PCWELT Tip No. 8: Parachutes can be cut an infinite number of times

Here we use the fast-drop technique to secure the landing site for our team. An enemy helicopter crew is already lurking there.

This is really cool, if unrealistic: you can close and reopen your parachute as many times as you want. This can be used smartly: If you jump out of the plane onto the map, you can release the parachute, then cut it – so you fall faster. Do this a few times in a row, and the speed boost will accelerate you to earth faster, and you and your team can get to the best loot. This is especially important should you decide to land at a popular spot. Second, after you cut away your parachute, you’ll get a few seconds in which your launch gun will be automatically drawn: Now you can shoot at other players who are sailing straight down. Doesn’t always work, but you can try it out.

Another tip from the community by Commander Fricke:

If the target is far away (1000 meters or more) go up to a speed of 50 (the number on the right of the bar), then open the parachute and close it again immediately. If your target is closer (600 to 1000 meters) do the same at 80. Below 600 you can usually fly there without opening or open once or twice at 120.”


PCWELT Tip No. 9: Make Contracts and Reinvest Money

Contracts are mini-missions that you can find on the map. These optional tasks have significant bonuses that bring in a lot of money if you rock the baby home. These contracts are marked on the map with a magnifying glass icon, and there are three types: bounty, where you have to hunt down a random player to collect his bounty. Reconnaissance contracts, where you’ll have to secure specific locations, and Scavenger contracts – for which you’ll have to capture supply boxes.


Armor Plate Bundle – $1500
Shield turret – $2000
Cluster Strike – $3000
Gas mask – $3000
Precision Airstrike – $3500
UAV – $4000
Self-Revive Kit – $4500
Ammunition box – $5000
Loadout drop marker – $6000
Teammate redeployment – $4500 (per player)


In particular, this redeployment is exciting: if the comrade loses in the gulag, just buy Him back.

PCWELT Tip No. 10: Secure Buy Stations with Smoke Grenades


Buy stations and supply drops should be secured with smoke grenades, otherwise your team will provide a ready meal for snipers.

One of the biggest problems currently in Warzone is certainly campers. It’s very easy to lurk facing a buy station because players have to stand to buy, making them an easy headshot target. You can counter this by throwing a Smoke – a smoke grenade fogs the area long enough to buy in peace. The camper then shoots into the Smoke, you know where he is – your team liquidates him. Optimally, you have a skilled counter-sniper in your squad for this situation, just as real special forces do. ATTENTION: Via thermal scope you can also see through smoke, so it is not a hundred percent protection.


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