YouTuber locks 10 bosses from Fortnite in one room – eSportsNews eSports Fortnite

In , players often pass the time with fun games from the creative mode. A YouTuber has now used his time to conduct an insane experiment. He and his colleagues have gathered a mixture of 10 NPCs and bosses in a room to see who is the stronger.

What happened?

In Fortnite, the Youtuber “By Post” gathered all the available NPCs and bosses and threw them into a homemade arena. His goal was to see which of these bosses or NPCs would make it out alive.

In doing so, he and his colleagues tried to cart every NPC into the arena, but not all of the bosses were present because he arranged this experiment in the battle lab.

23 bosses and NPCs and only one winner

Landed on the new map “By Post” and his friends have begun to cover the whole sea around the Foundation statue with floors. As an arena was used near the deep bunker. This is made of indestructible material, which is perfect for fights. In the process, the NPCs also can not escape.

When the sea was covered and the bunker was hollowed out, all 12 players split up to transport various NPCs to the arena. The sea being covered with soil was to make transportation easier, as some players loaded certain bosses onto pickups and then drove them to the arena.

Since Epic had reduced the time limit in the battle lab from four hours to two, everything had to go fairly quickly. For example, since the foundation, also one of the “Battle Pass” skins, can’t be recruited, “By Post” had to “fish” him across the map with a fishing rod.

Were there any difficulties?

Some bosses like “Gunnar” are hostile to everything and attack immediately on sight. Getting him to the arena was the hardest challenge, as he often moved wherever it suited him. It took them a whole 40 minutes to deliver him to the arena.

Who won?

The aggressive Gunnar sparked the fight by throwing a grenade. In the process, Gunnar was caught in the crossfire and massacred by almost every player. After that, almost everyone rushed to the foundation, while the scientist escaped.

Finally, only the scientist and the noodle seller remained. The scientist won the fight and made sure it ended quickly and painlessly with well-aimed pistol shots.

So after this experiment, the scientist has emerged as the strongest NPC in Fortnite, living up to his title. His scientific tricks allowed him to escape and thus secure enough energy for the final battle. Such tests are all cool to watch and show that you can do a lot in Fortnite out of boredom. Have you been running tests like this just to kill time? Let us know in the comments what you thought of the experiment.

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