Hacked?! Blizzard warns against scammers

Losing your WoW account due to hacking or banning is a real horror for most . This is exactly what a new scam on social media takes advantage of, and Blizzard is currently warning the community about it.

Every child knows that you shouldn’t click on links from unknown sources, let alone enter the data for your own Battlenet account on a third-party website. Nevertheless, there are apparently enough people who fall for obvious scams. That’s why Blizzard is currently forced to warn about a new phishing scam that is making the rounds in social media.

Do not click on unknown links, do not respond to threats

The company informs via Twitter about the phishing attempts that are apparently meant to trick you into giving away your account data:

According to Blizzard, the current scam is that you will be contacted via social networks such as Facebook and Instagram by an unknown person claiming that your account has been suspended or hacked. The author of the message then offers to restore your account – all you have to do is click on the link in the message and log in to the third-party website with your data.

That this can’t be right is told not only by common sense, but also by Blizzard itself. Because as the company emphasizes, you can only restore your account via the official Battlenet website – regardless of whether you’ve been hacked or banned. No third party has the ability to unblock or recover a hacked account. It’s ironic that the supposedly helpful third parties who are trying to protect your account from hackers are actually hackers themselves.

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If you want to know how to protect yourself from phishing and similar scams as well as account hacks, take a look at the official Blizzard website. Basically, watch out for spelling and grammar mistakes and check which address the sent link really leads to. Don’t engage in threats or unsettling tactics, and if in doubt, contact Blizzard’s customer service directly via the official website if you want to know if your account has really been banned.



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