WoW WotLK Classic: Phasing Tech Explained

The so called Phasing is a feature that is now very commonly used in MMORPGs. The term refers to a technique of making a particular area (usually a subzone or zone) look different to different player characters. When something is “phased”, it means that it exists in the same virtual geography as other creatures or objects, but is not visible to the player and cannot be fully interacted with.

WoW WotLK: Retrospective – Taliesin, Mana in the backpack and co. remember

On September 27, 2022, the Classic re-release of WoW: Wrath of the Lich King will launch, as we all know. In a retrospective trailer, Blizzard now lets various content creators from the WoW ecosystem, such as Taliesin, Manu from Mana im Rucksack, CruellaDK, Zoltan, Wochi or even Andi from Manacrew, reminisce about Northrend. Here’s the full nostalgia broadside!

WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic: Survival in video

Shortly before the launch of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Blizzard Entertainment has published a survival guide in video format as usual. In it, you can learn everything about the most important content and features that await you in the MMO expansion. The launch date is September 27, 2022.

How does phasing work?

Data about the location of game objects, , and NPCs is not stored in the World of Warcraft client, but must be sent from the server. Phasing now decides not to send certain data based on certain criteria.

For example, you may be on a quest to get the head of an NPC. After you turn in the quest, the server records that it should not send data about that NPC to you in the future. The next time you go to their location, you won’t be able to see them, even if the NPC is still there. In this way, by using phase combinations, entire grassland areas can turn into a city by using game object phases and NPC phases.

Phasing manifestations

NPC phasing

NPC phasing is initiated by an NPC that is always in place, but disappears completely when seen by someone in another phase.

Player phasing

Phasing of players can be recognized by the fact that you cannot see a player. Early applications of this technique were Death, stealth and invisibility effects., which caused the server to show hidden players only to certain people. For example, if you are in ghost form, you can only see the players who are also in ghost form.

Object phasing

Phasing of game objects is the easiest to detect and usually requires multiple phasing techniques. Game objects can be anything from a chair or chest to a building. In most cases, players interacting with phased buildings must also be phased, otherwise they would appear to be moving in the air.

WoW : The starting area of the death knights is instanced phase

Source: Buffed

In World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic, phasing is implemented in three different, very distinct ways. The first is the phased instance. The only example is the starting area of the Death Knights. Aspiring Death Knights are not actually in a section of the Eastern Plaguelands, but in a large instance modeled after the eastern part of the zone, much like the Old Hill Country is an instance modeled after part of the Hill Country foothills. This can be seen by the fact that the starting area is surrounded by invisible walls that prevent players from leaving, as well as the fact that players have a different chat channel for general and local defense.

Secondly, there are temporary phases, such as the meat plants in Icecrown. Once you complete the quests that the area is phased for, it returns to normal. There are a few other examples, like the phase you enter in Zul’Drak when you ride the giant Gymer. Or the Court of Bones in Icecrown, which only phases when you complete certain quests from the Argent Tournament.

Finally, there are permanent phases, in which you unlock an area, such as the Shadow Vault and Dun Niffelem. Often these areas are modified through a series of phases, and once the quest line to unlock the area is completed, the character will henceforth see the area in its new state. An extended form of the permanent phase, the Terrain Phasing, was introduced after WotLK with the Cataclysm expansion. This phase involves changing the land around you, which, like other phases, happens through quests and events.

Use of phasing before Wrath of the Lich King

Prior to Wrath of the Lich King, phasing was used for stealth and invisibility mechanics, as mentioned at the beginning. Events such as the opening of Ahn’Qiraj and the takeover of Quel’Danas Island were simply different realm databases that added game objects and NPCs for all players. Phasing was further used to fix bugs for the daily quests of the Shattered Sun Offensive in Shear Ridge.

Phasing in Wrath of the Lich King

WoW WotLK Classic: Crusader Tower

WoW WotLK Classic: The Crusader’s Tower and its associated quest line is a prime example of custom storytelling via phasing

Source: Buffed

In World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard developers made extensive use of this system for the first time. The most famous examples are Acherus: The Black Fortress, which looks different depending on your progress in the Death Knight questline, and the questline of Angrathar the Gate of Wrath, which ends with the quest ‘The Battle for Undercity’ and goes differently for Alliance and Horde. For characters who have completed the quest series, Alexstrasza will then be outside the Wrath Gate, and Varimathras, who was killed along with Grand Apothecary Putress, will no longer be in Undercity.

There are many other examples of phasing in Northrend, such as the Sons of Hodir quests, Hemet Nesingwary’s safari in Sholazar Basin, or the construction of the Crusader Tower in Icecrown (see the image above).

Phasing restrictions

The main limitation with phasing is that players within the same subzone cannot interact with each other in different phases in most cases, so they will see a special indicator next to their portrait frame showing that if they are in a group.

Furthermore, phasing in Wrath of the Lich King cannot (yet) change the base terrain of the world. This means that the normal base terrain may not change in texture or location. An example would be the Court of Bones at the Wrath Gate, whose ground is already burned before it is burned by the Red Dragonflight during the course of the story. — (Source).

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