WotLK Classic: Naxxrama’s Plague Wing

veterans may still remember Naxxramas as the final raid of the vanilla version of the game. At the time an extremely difficult raid that hardly any players could complete while it was still relevant, Blizzard’s developers decided to bring a remake in Wrath of the Lich King and make it significantly more accessible than the original version. The classic 40-player version of Naxxramas is no longer available in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, as it will be permanently closed with the release of the expansion.


Players can in Naxxramas Tier 7 equipment receive, with the 25-player version containing the “Brave” version of the Tier 7 sets such as the Brave Scourge Heir (Death Knight) battle armor with item level 213, and the 10-player version containing the weaker “Heroic” version such as the Heroic Scourge Heir (Death Knight) battle armor with item level 200.

The raid includes 15 bosses and culminates in a battle against Arthas’ right-hand man, the Archlich Kel’Thuzad himself! Unlike other raids you’re familiar with, Naxxramas is a nonlinear raid that consists of 4 wings which players can tackle in any order, with a final wing only becoming available once the first 4 wings have been completed.

For the 25 player version should the raid from 3 tanks (2 with DPS offspec for most fights), 6-7 healers and 14-16 DPS (damage classes). Rare or epic pieces from craftsmen and heroic Northrend dungeons, respectively, are recommended as starter gear.

Unlike the level 60 Ur version. no Reconciliation process Required to enter the raid. The only thing needed is a flying mount or alternatively a warlock ready to haul your lazy butt to the entrance of the flying necropolis! The easiest way to enter Naxxramasis to take an air cab to the Dragon’s Waste to take – namely the Solid Winter Guard for the alliance or Gallgrimm for the Horde. From there you only have to fly a short distance to the east, where the flying necropolis hovers nearby.

Naxxramas – Plague Wing

The Plague Wing in Naxxramas is the quarter usually cleaned after the spider wing. It also includes 3 bossesThe second boss, Heigan, makes more demands on the group’s interaction.

Noth the Plague Lord

Behold, Noth the plague lord. Responsible for creating the process that filters the souls of the living and leads them into the cold constraints of undeath, it has been noted that Noth is still improving the process. — Commander Eligor Morningbringer


Curse of the plague bringer
Hits 10 random players in the raid. If the curse is not removed within 10 seconds, every player within 30 meters will be affected by the spell. Wrath of the Plague Lord infected.

Wrath of the plague lord
For each curse not removed, each affected player and all players within 30 yards are hit with ~6,000 shadow damage, and the curse leaves a ‘damage over time’ (DoT) debuff that ticks every 2 seconds for 10 seconds for an additional ~3,000 shadow damage. This would inevitably lead to a wipe.

Noth blinks repeatedly in combat, resulting in a complete aggro loss. The cooldown of this spell is about 25 seconds, and while blinking he moves about 20 meters away from his starting position.

The spell is cast immediately before each blink on the players around him. It reduces movement speed by 50%, attack speed by 100% and also strength by 50%. This spell can be removed.

Summon Infested Warriors (Phase 1 only)
Summons 3 skeleton warriors every 30 seconds (phase 1 only). These have ~125,000 hit points, can cleave, and hit for ~3,000 damage on plate armor.

Contaminated Champion (Phase 2 only)
have approximately 130,000 health and hit for 3,500 on plate. They possess the abilities Deadly Strike and Shadow Shock, which hits all players within 25 meters for about 3,000 shadow damage.

Contaminated Guardian (Phase 2 only)
These guardians only appear in the second and subsequent skeleton phases. They have 100,000 hit points and deal a lot of area damage over Arcane Explosion (6,000 damage to all players within 30 meters).

Combat sequence

Phase 1

  • Noth is pulled into the center of the room and 1-2 more tanks get ready to collect the skeletons he summons from the piles of bones and position them near him.
  • In the coming seconds, he should blink, which is the Cripple and results in the complete aggro loss. After about 45 seconds he should cast the first curse.
  • Let the build aggro again, then continue with the damage on Noth. Ignore the extra Skeletons; they are mostly killed by the melee AoE effects.
  • The curse has the highest priority and if it is not removed in time, it will result in a wipe.

Phase 2

  • Noth pores away and leaves the battle for about 70 seconds. If there are any skeletons left from phase 1, kill them quickly now.
  • After about 10 seconds into this phase, the first infested champions appear. These must be collected by the tanks and killed by the raid.
  • This is repeated until the end of phase 2, when Noth appears again in the middle of the room. The skeletons from phase 2 should not be standing until then, so that the raid can do maximum damage on Noth.
  • Phase 2 ends with the appearance of Noth and it immediately becomes the Curse of the Plaguebringer cast.

Phase 1 is now repeated and the boss is done.

Heigan the Impure

See, Heigan the impure. The mastermind behind the plague cauldrons that turned the wilds of Azeroth into the Plaguelands. It is said that Heigan has endowed the walls and corridors of Naxxramas with an extensive range of traps that he can trigger by virtue of his will. — Commander Eligor Morningbringer

Loot Capabilities

Poison lightning salvo
Spell Interruption
A 20 meter aura that emanates from Heigan. It increases the casting time by 300%.

Weakness Fever
A spell cast in a 20 meter radius around Heigan. All players in the area get a disease that deals about 4,500 damage every 3 seconds and reduces maximum hit points by 50%. The disease can be removed.

Plague Cloud
Deals 7,500 nature damage every second to any player on the platform in phase 2.

3 out of 4 squares are covered by this eruption in combat in a certain order. It deals about 7,000 nature damage per hit. In the center of an eruption you are hit several times.

Combat sequence

Phase 1

  • Heigan must always be pulled to certain positions during the course of Phase 1 in order to Breakout to bypass on the battlefield. At this time, all ranged fighters are on the platform where Heigan was before the pull, and the melee fighters are on Heigan.
  • The tank must now continuously move the boss around the room for 90 seconds in such a way that no one receives damage from the eruptions, and must stand far enough away from the platform so that the spell interruption does not come into play.
  • For the disease, one shaman in a melee group should provide a totem at a time. After these 90 seconds, Heigan pores onto the platform and phase 2 begins.

Phase 2

  • Now the raid is forced to do some sort of “dance” (“Heigan’s Dance”), as Heigan will inevitably kill anyone on the safe point by Plague Cloud would kill. The eruptions from phase 1 come almost directly after each other in the given order. Therefore, players must now move continuously to avoid certain death.
  • After 45 seconds, Heigan comes back down from the platform and the next phase starts again with position 1.
  • Both phase 1 and 2 always start with position 1. This sequence is repeated until his death.


Of the ghastly result of the union of the living plague of the Plaguelands with the swamp creatures known as the Loatheb, it is said that he is powerful of the customer of self-healing. — Commander Eligor Morningbringer

Loot Capabilities

Necrotic aura
Cast every 20 seconds, Necrotic Aura reduces all healing by 100% for 17 seconds. There is a window of only 3 seconds to heal the entire raid!

Every 30 seconds, players receive a non-removable DoT debuff that deals 400 nature damage every second for 6 seconds and another 1,500 when it expires.

Inescapable Doom

Loatheb casts the spell for the first time 2 minutes into the battle. It deals 5,000 shadow damage to all players after 10 seconds and is cast every 30 seconds thereafter. After the battle lasts 5 minutes, every 15 seconds each player will be affected by the Inescapable Doom hit, which would inevitably lead to the wipe after a short time.

Mushroom Growth
During combat, Loatheb summons a spore about every 30 seconds, which gives 5 players in the raid a Buff(!) which increases their critical hit chance by 50% and makes them cause 0 threat. For the buff, players must stand near the spore and then kill it (has very low hit points).

Combat sequence

  • This fight is the quintessential DPS (damage per time) race! Every player in the raid – primarily the melee/range fighters – should get the buff of the Mushroom Growth get to do as much damage as possible in the time.
  • This should be done 5 people at a time until everyone in the raid has the buff. Within the 20 seconds of the Necrotic Aura all healers have 3 seconds to heal both the raid and the tank back up.
  • In the other 17 seconds, the healers can also do damage to end the fight as quickly as possible.

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