WoW: Two extremely rare mounts

When you get a particularly rare mount in WoW after many, many tries, it's actually a great thing to be happy about. But when the whole thing happens on the beta server, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.

When the beta servers of a new WoW expansion go online and let the first players in, countless heroes rush into the new areas and try out the new content. Some also hang around in old zones to test out the different facets of their class. After all, you might want to know how well some of the things you did solo before work in WoW: Dragonflight.

The fact that the PTR and beta servers are completely separated from each other in the process should hardly surprise any WoW player. Taking gold or materials from the test servers to the live server does not work, of course. That's why no tester takes the trouble to farm items of any kind or gold. Because you can only lose, as two players have now proven.

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Rare mount captured and yet not received

Two players were out in the old areas of Mists of Pandaria independently of each other to test how the new Caller class performs in low-level areas. In the process, they stumbled upon the world boss Sha of Wrath, who stands around there more or less all day and has been farmed on the live servers for years because of the rare mount he can drop.

So why not continue testing the caller's skills on an old world boss? According to his own statement, the player still thought “Would be funny if the mount drops now” and bam: Once the Reins of the Celestial Onyx Cloud Serpent in the pocket.

The same thing happened a short time later to another player on the beta server, whereupon the two called in more heroes to see if the drop chance had perhaps been massively increased? But fiddlesticks, the two remained the only ones with the mount.

So both of them were actually outrageously lucky (the Celestial Onyx Cloud Serpent has a drop chance of well under one percent) and then again they weren't. So what do we learn from this? As one of the users on reddit so aptly wrote: Never, never, never farm anything rare on the test server if you don't want to be terribly disappointed!

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