WoW: This is how we are currently preparing for Burning Crusade Classic

WoW: This is how we are currently preparing for Burning Crusade ClassicIn (hopefully) a few weeks, the pre-patch of Burning Crusade will land on the progressive servers of . We already told you in a guide how you can prepare for the upcoming Outland adventure. But what measures are we actually taking at the moment? Do we stick to our own advice? And are there any new you can follow?

As you know, raid tests are scheduled for the first time in the closed beta of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic this week. So it shouldn’t be too long until the developers from Blizzard unleash the pre-patch of the Outland adventure on the live servers.

We already told you some time ago how you can prepare for TBC Classic in advance. But what measures is our Classic enthusiast Karsten actually taking at the moment? Does he stick to his own advice? And are there any new tips you can follow? This is what this article is all about.

TBC Classic: The choice of the main character

You probably know that with WoW (buy now ) Classic I created a bald rogue named Creep again, just like back in vanilla WoW. The ole undead is still my main character now, with whom I send Kel’Thuzad to the boards every week. In the upcoming TBC chapter, however, he will most likely take a smaller role (perhaps with a greater focus on arena PvP).

The reason: rogues struggle in Tier 4 and Tier 5 content with their mediocre raid support, only okay damage, and some melee-unfriendly bosses. We will certainly pack one or two rogues into our 25-raid , but other guild members have already said they would like to stick with their sword wielder.

WoW: TBC Classic – who rocks, who sucks? Lessons from the private servers

I, on the other hand, am flexible. In TBC Classic, there are many exciting classes and specializations. Early on, for example, I played up a Warlock, because I know exactly what the strengths of the class are in Outland. His professions are also very raid-friendly, with tailoring and leatherworking.

Since some other players are also flirting with the Warlock (and you can only pack a certain number of this strong class, too), I’m preparing myself some more options, though. Recently my shaman reached level 60, the priest doesn’t need many levels anymore, with the pre-patch I want to play up a blood elf paladin (like probably most horde players) and with the character boost I might get a druid or hunter in the endgame.

TBC Classic: The distribution of professions

The fact that several of my twinks have reached level 50+ is not only due to the availability of main character options. Level 50 is also important with regard to the new profession recipes. For the important specializations, the characters even need level 60 (tailoring) or level 68 (alchemy).

Even though the Warlock focuses on Tailoring as well as Leatherworking, I don’t want to overdo it with the “minmaxing”. For example, I’m not going to keep leveling up Enchanting every time I get new rings. It’s much more important to me that I cover the most important professions and that I can supply myself with my characters as much as possible (so I only have to buy from other players to a limited extent).

My shaman has been my “alchemy twink” since about the beginning, which is why he will reach at least level 68 in TBC and learn one of the three specializations. With the priest I have a second, fully trained tailor master (and an enchanter), which will help me build the strong cloth sets. The boosted character will then probably become tailor number 3. Creep, on the other hand, will remain – little “minmaxy” – herbalism and furrier. And the Blood Elf should then boost Jeweler’s Art and Mining.

TBC Classic: How badass does the equipment have to be?

There are people who currently take every raid ID with their various characters in order to go into Outland as well equipped as possible. Personally, I think that’s overkill. At the time, I “only” had equipment from the Tough Luck Hoard and a few pieces from AQ40 with Creep, and yet I had no problems in the leveling phase. On top of that, even most of the loot from Ahn’Qiraj or Naxxramas we’ll quickly swap out for items from TBC Classic.

I did want to have one or two purple items, though, in view of the upcoming adventure. On the one hand, a mark of the hero of Kel’Thuzad, after all, some demons await us on Outland. On the other hand a reasonable main hand weapon for leveling. Currently, Creep is a dagger rogue, and as we know, daggers are not very good for leveling. So he packed up the mace The Punisher when no one else would grab it.

With the other characters, you can also go to dungeons or Zul’Gurub from time to time. That’s quite enough to be prepared for the first quests in Outland.

TBC Classic: Which items do we farm?

I started quite early to buy gems cheaply from the auction house and to put ores, stones, leather, silk, vials of mojo and cloth aside. What I don’t need myself (for the paladin and the boosted character) will eventually go to the auction house.

Furthermore, I’m currently parking items in the bank that I can use to quickly bring some of the professions to 325+ in TBC Classic. Cooking, for example, I will level with the Runn Tum tubers from Bleak Quarry East. Since the cooldown for crafting lunar materials will be eliminated from Tailoring, I also have devil materials piling up.

Meanwhile, as an alchemist, you can quickly earn some points by making Considerable Mana Potion, Elixir of Mungo, or the Great Potions of Protection. There are also a few stacks of Golden Sansam on the bench, which you need for some TBC recipes.

Last but not least, I’ve already brewed a few stacks of Elixir of Demon Slaying and set aside Great Shining Shards (for Excellent Spell Oil or Excellent Mana Oil).

TBC Classic: How do we farm gold?

The two currently most lucrative gold farming methods from my guide unfortunately fall away for me. I don’t own a mage that I could use to boost any players. Furthermore, there are no gold DKP runs for Naxxramas on our server, through which one could quickly earn a golden nose. At the same time, the prices for many herbs have fallen sharply in the last few weeks, with which I had probably earned the most gold in recent months.

That’s why I’m not focusing on “as much gold per hour as possible” when farming at the moment. However, regular solo rounds in Bleak Quarry East remain on the agenda, because there are the aforementioned devil substances and Runn Tum tubers. In addition, green items that can be disenchanted, gems, ores, leather, etc. can be found in the chests from time to time. And at least the ghost mushrooms continue to sell for a pretty good price.

Other than that, I really only farm stuff that I need for the current Naxxramas rounds. Materials for the mongoose elixirs, for example. Everything I don’t have to buy saves gold. Speaking of which, I’m also currently refraining from using my Twinks to buy a fast mount or the last of the bank trays. Both will be much cheaper with TBC Classic.

Most of the gold currently comes in through questing. While other players spend thousands of gold to get boosted to level 60, from level 50 onwards, I specifically go for the quests in the high-level zones and dungeons. They bring in gold and one or two solid pieces of equipment, and other useful loot automatically ends up in my pockets as I level up.

What is WoW Classic?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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