WoW TBC Classic: The Black Temple – how to defeat the bosses

WoW TBC Classic: The Black Temple - how to defeat the bossesPhase 3 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic gives us access to the bosses in the iconic raid instance “The Black Temple”! Not only does Illidan Stormrage await you there, but you’ll also have to master eight other boss challenges as well as countless trash groups. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to defeat the blind among the one-eyed.

The Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley is one of the largest and most difficult raid instances of the “WoW: The Burning Crusade” era. A total of nine bosses await you. The ultimate highlight is, of course, the fight against the treacherous demon hunter Illidan at the top of the temple. In order to successfully master this 25-player instance, a well-rehearsed group is required, whereby the first creeps still fall on the boards much easier than the later ones. Raiders who were able to defeat Lady Vashj and Kael’thas in their original form shouldn’t worry too much.

A Trip to Hyjal

Before you can enter Illidan’s stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley, you must once again complete a series of quests. You will start with the quests from the Aldor Outpost and the Seers Outpost, respectively. From there you will be sent to the Maiev prison. Akama, the leader of the Cinder Tongues, will now give you more tasks. Finally, you must bring Karabor’s medallion to A’dal in Shattrath.

Once this is done, Seer Olum will ask you to deliver a message to Akama in Shadowmoon Valley in the Serpentshrine Cave after defeating the Deep Lord Karathress. After that, you have to kill the Phoenix God Al’ar in the Fortress of Storms. However, you will have to wear a special disguise that Akama will give you.

Finally, you’ll be able to take a trip through time. On the Hyjal summit, Furor Winterfrost is already waiting to give you the Temporary Phylactery. This completes the difficult part of the quest series. After that, help Akama and Maiev to get to the Black Temple. By the way, you have to carry Karabor’s medallion with you if you want to enter the instance.

Usual preparations

The first three bosses in the Black Temple are relatively easy. You don’t need standard buffs like vials or oils for them. The following bosses, however, are much trickier, so you should have some of your buff arsenal ready for them. You can customize the party composition from boss to boss during the progress phase. For the trash mobs, however, a raid of three tanks, seven healers, and 15 damage dealers is recommended.

As for resistance gear, there are two bosses in the Black Temple that you can prepare for. For the fight against Mother Shahraz, the entire raid (except for the tanks) theoretically needs as high a Shadow Resistance value as possible. Why theoretically? Well, since we are presented with the toned down version of the fight, in practice you should need significantly less Shadow Resistance than first suspected. The PTR tests showed that some guilds will defeat Mother Shahraz quite quickly without any resistance equipment at all.

Illidan, meanwhile, once again requires a Warlock to tank, in full Shadow Resistance gear. You’ll also need two “normal” tanks with high fire resistance values to take care of the summoned elementals. You can find out where to get the necessary parts in this guide for Phase 3 of TBC Classic.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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