WoW: Resistance gear in TBC Classic – who needs how much Resi when?

Most players are likely to have accumulated resistance gear for all sorts of elements in the main character’s bank: Anti-Fire gear for the Pitchwing Hoard as well as Molten Core, Nature Protection and Shadow Protection gear for the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, plus Frost Resistance pieces for the last two bosses in Naxxramas. With Burning Crusade Classic in mind, can this all go away, or should you keep some items? We’ll tell you!

Currently, many players in WoW TBC Classic are preparing for the raid challenges of the upcoming phases. This includes turning items that are no longer needed into gold or disposing of them so that there is enough storage space for all the loot from Outland. But what about all the resistance gear from WoW Classic that we earned for Molten Core, BWL, AQ40, and Naxxramas? Can that stuff go away or do we need some of the pieces in the TBC raids? Which Outland bosses do we even need resistors for? In this guide we get to the bottom of these questions!

Update from August 01: Based on the experience from the PTR of Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, we’ve updated the article at the Serpentshrine and Fortress of Storms sections.

New upper limit for resistances in Burning Crusade

First, the important basics: With Burning Crusade Classic, not only does the maximum level of all characters increase, we also need to accumulate more resistances in order to best mitigate the threat of elemental attacks. In WoW Classic, the cap for resistances for a level 60 character fighting a raid boss (level 63) is 315 points. In TBC Classic, this increases to 365 points for level 70 heroes fighting level 73 nasties. More resistance points won’t get you anything.

Which TBC bosses do you actually need resistances for?

As in WoW Classic, there are some bosses in Burning Crusade Classic for which selected players or even the entire raid should get resistance gear.


  • No resistance items necessary

Gruul’s Lair

WoW: Resistance gear in TBC Classic - who needs how much Resi when?No resistance items necessary. While it is recommended here and there that the mage tanking Krosh Firehand wear Fire Resistance Gear, this is incorrect. You will not be able to resist the servant’s fire spells. On the other hand, it is correct and important that the mage gets as high a Health value as possible.

The two ranged fighters (or the owl) who take care of Gicherer the Mad in the first boss fight can make their lives a little easier with natural resistance. However, this is not absolutely necessary.

Magtheridon’s Chamber

  • No resistance items necessary

Cave of the Serpentshrine

WoW: Resistance gear in TBC Classic - who needs how much Resi when?When fighting Hydross, you will need a tank with as much Frost Resistance as possible and a tank with as much Nature Resistance as possible. In addition, it may help if your add tanks have some Frost and Nature Resistance gear equipped. Alternatively, you can control the adds to some degree with fear effects and banishing.

When fighting Leotheras, you will need a player (preferably a Warlock) who can tank the boss’s demon form with as high a fire resistance value as possible.

Fortress of Storms

On Highastromancer Solarian, Arcane projectiles pelt the raid, with two different debuffs increasing their damage. To keep the fight healable, all players should get to about 150 Arcane Resistance. You will also need two “Arcane Tanks” with as much Arcane Resistance as possible to take on the Wrath of the Astromancer debuff. More details can be found in the article WoW TBC Classic: Get Arcanresi gear for Solarian now!

Battle for the Hyjal

You don’t necessarily need resistance gear for any of the bosses here. But you can make the fight against Kaz’rogal easier if the raid has at least some shadow resistance at the start. It’s a good thing that the opening of the Black Temple will provide you with the corresponding items sooner or later. Already the combination of Blessed Medallion of Karabor plus Night’s End plus Shadow Protection will provide you with 150 Shadow Resistance, which will already make the fight much easier.

The Black Temple

For the fight against Mother Shahraz, the entire raid (except for the tanks) needs the highest Shadow Resistance possible.

At Illidan, once again a Warlock must tank, in full Shadow Resistance gear. You will also need two “normal” tanks with high Fire Resistance values to take care of the summoned elementals.


You don’t necessarily need any resistances here. However, the add tank can make his life easier by getting some Fire Resistance on Jan’alai. Shadow Resistance can also help with Hexlord Malacrass.

The Sunwell Plateau

When fighting Kalecgos, it can help if players bring at least a few points of Arcane Resistance (125 with buffs) to minimize raid damage and thus lighten the load on healers. More arcane resistance is difficult because you also need to get high DpS and HpS.

Felmyst also has a dangerous arcane attack that can quickly become fatal without resistances. At least in the progression, you should think about using arcane protection potions and items like Purple Badge.

What to do now: Keep resistance gear or throw it away?

As you can see from the boss listing, you have until the second TBC stage to get your Resistance gear for the Tier 5 raids. And there will be plenty of opportunities for that in Outland:

Many new pieces of gear can be crafted by leatherworkers, tailor masters, blacksmith masters, and jewel cutters. See more details in the article WoW: Worthwhile Gold Investments for Phase 2 of Burning Crusade Classic.
You can buy some items from merchants for Badges of Justice.

In addition, there are individual quests that reward you with Resistance parts, such as Purple Badge or Band of Phoenix Fire.

What is WoW Classic?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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