WoW: Preparing for Burning Crusade – how to farm gold in Classic now

When it comes to the optimal preparation for WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, one item is at the top of the list of many players: farm a lot of gold. In this guide, we’ll tell you which methods you can currently use to earn a lot of gold in .

In our guide for the optimal preparation for Burning Crusade Classic we already summarized what you can do now to prepare for the upcoming Outland adventure. One item should be at the top of many players’ lists: save up as much gold as possible. For the expensive, fast flight license, for example, or the early production of best-in-slot armor or weapons for various professions.

But we have been in the final phase of the WoW Classic era for quite some time now. The prices for Naxxramas-specific items and consumables are falling, and resources such as crystals or lunar materials no longer fetch as much gold as they did a few months ago. In this guide we want to tell you how you can still earn good gold in WoW Classic.

Gold source no. 1: Gold DKP runs

We recently reported on how important the Gold DKP meta has become on many Classic servers and how blatantly this meta affects the game experience and the economy. However, the sad truth is that there is probably no more efficient gold method in Classic than participating in a successful GDKP run in Naxxramas. In this way, you can collect several thousand gold pieces per run for a comparatively small amount of time. Organizers of such GDKP runs should even take home a five-digit amount of gold in each ID.

Level boosts for TBC Classic Twinks

WoW: Preparing for Burning Crusade - how to farm gold in Classic nowAnother point in our guide mentioned at the beginning concerns leveling up new “main chars” or (profession) twinks. However, most players don’t want to spend too many hours on tedious quests and long running paths. It’s much more time-efficient to get boosted by high-level characters in the dungeons “Shadowfang Castle”, “The Scarlet Monastery”, “Maraudon” and “Zul’Gurub”. And because many players know this and are willing to pay for this service, boosters can currently rake in a lot of gold with their mages.

AoE farming with a mage

WoW: Preparing for Burning Crusade - how to farm gold in Classic nowThroughout the Classic era, the mage has been and continues to be the perfect farming class. With his frost spells and area attacks, he can solo significantly larger pulls than any other archetype. Just take the blatant pulls possible in Maraudon. There, experienced mages bomb 300 to 500 opponents out of existence in one go. Of course, you can get a lot of loot from that many mobs. By selling the gray items, by enchanting the green and blue parts as well as the soldered silver, quite a lot is already collected. In addition, there are fabrics, gems, bags, herbs, ores and, with luck, one or the other valuable, unbound splendor. And on top of that you can combine the farm rounds with the already mentioned level boosts. You have to be a mage.

Fabrics, leather, ores, gems, shards

Currently, not only countless characters are leveled up in WoW Classic, but also the professions of the Azeroth fighters want to be brought up to scratch. With regard to Burning Crusade Classic, the focus is on professions that offer particularly strong advantages. Many spellcasters, for example, will choose the career of a master tailor because of the strong, manufacturable armor sets.

And even though Blizzard has already announced that it plans to adjust the Burning Crusade leatherworkers’ drums, many players are planning to make the best possible preparations here as well. After all, a change doesn’t necessarily have to be a toning down, and the developers admitted that the drums should remain an important advantage of the leatherworkers in TBC Classic. In other words, you can currently generate solid income with leather parts and fabrics that you need to level up the two professions.

WoW: Preparing for Burning Crusade - how to farm gold in Classic nowThe prices for some items needed to level Jeweler’s Art have also increased noticeably in the last few weeks. A German guide for leveling jeweler’s art from 1 to 375 can be found here, for example. The most expensive gemstones are moss agate, aquamarine, great opal, blue sapphire and mighty emerald. But also ingots and ores, vials of mojo and elemental water can fetch quite a bit of gold. WARNING: If you want to make as much gold as possible with the gems, sell them before the Jeweler’s profession is made available. With the profession comes prospecting, which allows you to extract gems from ores, among other things. Already, many players are accumulating stacks of ores for probing. Once probing is possible, the price of the aforementioned gems will drop.

Otherwise, many of these Classic materials should also be a good source of income in Burning Crusade Classic itself, since hardly anyone will play through the old zones thanks to the character boost (professions still want to be leveled, though). The same goes for Classic materials, which are needed to craft items that are also relevant in TBC Classic. Golden Sansam for Elixir of Healing, for example, Great Shining Shards for Excellent Spell Oil as well as Excellent Mana Oil, or Groms Blood and Ghost Mushroom for Elixir of Demon Slaying.

Solo Rounds in Bleak Quarry East

Speaking of Gromsblood and Ghost Mushroom, both of these herbs, as well as Dream Leaf, can be farmed particularly well and without any competition in one place: Bleak Quarry East. We already told you how efficiently the dungeon can be farmed with a rogue in this guide:

  • How to farm for gold solo as a rogue in Bleak Quarry East.

However, you can also farm well there as a mage or druid, for example. Only the jump runs for the ore deposits at the end of the dungeon are only worthwhile to a limited extent due to the falling prices for arcane crystals.

Offers port and world buff services.

Even though WoW Classic’s world buff meta is heavily criticized, most raid enthusiasts continue to get the powerful buffs week after week. The less time it takes to do so and the less time you lose on the buffs you get , the better. Players are even willing to pay a fair amount of pocket gold for this.

Some players therefore offer already prepared IDs for Bleak Quarry North on a daily basis, so that anyone interested just has to pick up the buffs there. Other players provide port options before Bleak Quarry North, to one of the Songflower or to the Darkmoon Faire (including a mage portal for a quick return trip). With enough advertising in chat or server discord, you can earn quite a bit of gold this way.

Sells stuff that is losing more and more value

We mentioned it before: The prices for once valuable items are dropping or will drop in the next few weeks. There is no turnaround in sight. So you should turn them into gold as soon as possible. These include high rank manuals for certain class .

Particularly valuable in the last few weeks was the manual for Eviscerate IX, which you can clear in the Upper Blackrock Peak if you’re lucky. In some cases, players have paid four-digit amounts of gold for the book. With Burning Crusade, however, rogues can simply buy this rank from the class teacher for a small fee. As we get closer to the expansion’s release, players will want to pay less gold for it.

Likewise, you should avoid sitting on a large supply of vials. The currently still quite expensive vials will be noticeably weakened with TBC Classic and in many cases are only good as a cheap alternative to the new flasks. If you want to earn as much gold as possible with the vials, you should sell them as soon as possible. The Limited Invulnerability Potion is also noticeably weakened. In TBC Classic, this only reduces the physical damage taken by 120 for eight seconds.

Bargain hunting in the auction house

If you’ve read our guide up to this point, you know that the current phase of WoW Classic is a turbulent time in the economy; while the prices of some items continue to plummet, the prices of other items are rising.

Anyone who observes this wave movement on a daily basis, knows the items that will continue to increase or decrease in price, and also has an eye for items that have been placed in the auction house significantly below value, can currently earn a golden nose in the auction house. What is basically necessary for this kind of “gold farming”, we had already summarized in the following Auction House Guide (which was written for Retail WoW, but most points should also fit for the Classic Auction House).

What is WoW Classic?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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