WoW Mounts give value to emotions – what’s your story

in World of Warcraft are also a reward for particularly difficult challenges. We sometimes put a lot of effort into acquiring these little animals – and what’s it all for? To give value to the emotions associated with them. What story do you associate with what is probably your greatest “treasure”?

Mounts have always been a matter of prestige in World of Warcraft (buy now ). Nothing could attract the attention and favor of fellow players as much as the “inconspicuous” cat-walk on the back of an animal of desire.

Even if this may seem at first glance like a simple “posing” – you could even call it attention grabbing – there is usually more to it than that. For these reasons, our author Paul Herzog would like to tell you a story today of which he is particularly proud and which manifests itself in a very special mount: The Iron Hoof Destroyer.

The Iron Hoof Destroyer – the manifestation of blood and sweat.
The year is 2014 and the second major content patch of the WoW expansion “Warlords of Draenor” has just been released. This patch took us to the depths of the Blackrock Foundry – a raid full of nice little details, exciting interactions and challenging battles: turn by turn we escaped Arnold Schwarzenegger and the cannons of Blackrock.

When I faced Blackfist on Mythic difficulty with my guild at the time, we knew what to expect thanks to the live broadcast of the Nihilum guild (centered around WoW icon Kungen). Nevertheless, Blackfist demanded everything from us – we worked ourselves to the bone on the seemingly simplest mechanisms.

About 3 weeks (and almost 300 wipes) later, not only were our nerves on edge, but even Blackfist itself could die. In good old “first kill” style, voices and headsets rolled over – the good old “nerd screams” reminded me whose brainchild I was.

Luck is a bird…
…or in this case an iron hoof destroyer – because as we pondered over the past weeks and discussed the (few) good as well as the (numerous) moments in need of improvement, the luck of the dice brought me that mount. That mount, which stood for the hard work, the numerous frustrating moments and that one special endorphin surplus. That mount, which in the years that followed was always associated with that one “first kill” and that mount, of which I am still immensely proud today.

Emotions are indeed extremely abstract and can hardly be put into a value – but a mount manages to do just that: It gives the emotions a value – it tells a very special (individual) story.

What is your story?
I can still remember the first moment of mounting – what a devotional moment in the life of a little raid owl. But even though the subsequent ride through the vastness of Azeroth might seem like an act of self-congratulation, it is the small moments of happiness and effort that lie behind it. These moments ensure that this may be “burned” into our memories forever.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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