WoW: Hazzikostas in the Maximum interview

Recently had Liquid’s raid leader Max had the chance to interview WoW’s Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. The two talked about the progress of the Dragonflight Alpha, the achievements of Shadowlands – Season 4, the new talent trees and many raid and dungeon topics that were on the mind of the World guild leader and the community. In the process, we were able to get some new information. For example, which class will now get a Battle Rezz, whether the Hall of Fame will continue to exist, and whether the developers are considering a Dinar system like in – Season 4 of WoW. (buy now ) Shadowlands for upcoming patches. A summary of the most important statements can be found below.

Ion Hazzikostas interviewed by Liquid Max – the most important statements

  • The style of – Season 4 (a mini– Season at the end of the expansion) was a success and could be implemented the same way at the end of upcoming expansions.
  • The dinar system is also something we could see again in a similar form in the future. However, the dinar system gives the player the reward of a selectable BiS item too quickly and too easily. Dinars ensure that the desire to hunt for an item fizzles out.
  • The Hall of Fame will probably continue as is. Also, the rules for Crossrealm Mythic Raids will not be completely removed, but may be unlocked earlier than usual.
  • Cross-faction guilds continue to be a major technical hurdle. Crossfaction guilds should best still become reality in Dragonflight though.
  • For now, nothing will change about entering the mythic raid mode. Normal and Heroic are designed to be played in random and flexible groups. Mythic is still rather not geared towards that.
  • Mythic raid difficulty might open again along with Normal and Heroic. The developers want the community’s opinion on this.
  • Paladins may get a Battle rezz.
  • Callers of the Dracthyr get Battle Rage/Heroism.
  • Especially with the return of buffs, it will become even more important to have all the “right” classes in the raid. The devs are looking to see if they can somehow split unique abilities like Death Grip from Death Knight or Portal from Warlock to other classes in the future, so raid leaders have more flexibility in raid composition. This should be more of a high-end issue, though. Normal and Heroic raids should not require specific class abilities like Deathgrip.
  • oils, whetstones, and armor sets have been a bit overdone in Shadowlands. They wanted to give the crafters a hand. In Dragonflight, the usefulness of craftsmen will be interpreted differently.
  • A cherished Dragonflight dungeon from – Season 1 is disappearing from the M+ rotation again in – Season 2. This is unfortunate, but it is not impossible that this dungeon will return in subsequent – Season s.
  • It is difficult to offer better M+ loot for higher keystones than +15 without making Raiden and PvP obsolete. However, they have a keystone level in mind and are trying to implement the best rewards for raiders, PvP players, and M+ players respectively for their content.
  • Dragon riding outside of Dragon Isles is still not completely off the table. However, the implementation needs to make sense. One problem is that dragon riding would make all other mounts in the collection virtually obsolete.
  • It was initially important to the developers to give players the talent trees with the most important . Further fine- and feedback will then be collected in the coming weeks.
  • Ion Hazzikostas wants to know from the players what they would think about the mythical raid mode starting together with Normal and Heroic. Here he alludes to the Christmas holidays, which could coincide with the first Dragonflight raid release.

WoW: This is how it was in WotLK back then – Raids, PvP, economy and more.

Raids, PvP, professions, classes or economy – we tell you how WoW: Wrath of the Lich King played back then.

WoW: Cross-faction and cross-server guilds belong at the top of the list!

WoW: Cross-faction and cross-server guilds belong at the top of the list!

Cross-faction play in WoW works great. Cross-faction guilds should therefore be at the top of the prio list!

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