WoW Guide: The Auction House

Auction houses are like Ebay: you trade items, set prices, look for bargains and find reagents, equipment or other goods. So the principle is clear. Still, there are useful that not everyone may know. There are four trading houses on the Horde side (in Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City and Undercity) and four on the Alliance side (in Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar and Stormwind City). The factions’ auction houses have the same offer, but the Horde cannot trade with the Alliance.

There are three neutral trading houses that also share the supply of goods. The marketplaces are located in Gadgetzan (Tanaris), Everlook (Winterspring), and Loot Bay (Stranglethorn). Before you get the wrong idea, characters on the same account cannot trade with each other.

You can set the auction duration, buy-it-now price, and minimum bid for your items to sell. Each auction comes with a double cost. , you pay a deposit, which is returned to you if the sale is successful. If you don’t find a buyer, the trading house keeps the fee. In the faction auction houses, this fee is about 15 percent of the merchant’s sale value per twelve hours of bidding. In the three neutral marketplaces, the deposit is five times that amount. When you sell your goods, you pay a transaction fee that is deducted from the profit. It is five percent for the fractions and fifteen percent for the neutral trading platforms. If you cancel an auction, you lose the deposit.

Useful addons

If you want to book your first successful auctions, you will need a few tools and basic knowledge to make the process of listing and selling go smoothly. First of all, you need some starting capital and items to be traded. Even newcomers who don’t have any epic gems or rare pets to offer yet will need at least a few silver pieces and goods to start with – be it just cloth or low-level trade goods.

Beyond that, we recommend two add-ons. The first one is called “Mail” and offers a few mailbox options as well as an important function: “Open All” or “All”. Especially if you close a lot of auctions at the same time or if several items have not been sold, your mailbox will be full to bursting – and removing them manually is very tedious. The second add-on is called “Auctioneer.” If you spend a lot of time in the auction house and want to earn a lot of money, you can’t avoid this add-on. It scans all auctions and over time creates statistics, average prices, sales data and much more. At the end of the article we will show you how to use the add-on in the best way.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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