WoW Guide: Hellfire Bulwark

Hellfire Bulwark is located on Hellfire Peninsula in Outland and offers adventures for Heroes level 06 to 62. Our guide reveals what to expect.

Hellfire Bulwark is the five-player instance of Hellfire Citadel. This instance complex is located on the Hellfire Peninsula. In normal mode, this is where you most likely took your first steps in the expansion’s instances. Hellfire Peninsula in Heroic mode is still a small instance, but this confinement will cause you problems. Careless moves can bring you one or two additional groups of enemies. So be careful!

The conditions

All members must have the access key in order to play the Hellfire Citadel instances, including Hellfire Bolt, on Heroic difficulty. You will receive the key when your reputation with Honorable Fortress or Thrallmar is at least RESPECTFUL. A good party composition for Hellfire Bulwark is as follows:

One tank: Druid (Feral) or Warrior.

A Healing Specialist: Shaman, Paladin, Priest, or Druid.

Three damage dealers: Here it is advisable to invite at least two classes with crowd control abilities into the group. A Warlock is also worth its weight in gold in this case, as it can defeat the second boss, Omor the Unsullied, much easier. Rogues should have Improved Headbutt upgraded, otherwise they will have a hard time surviving the pull. Be sure to carry enough Mana Regeneration Water if you don’t have a mage in your party. Good possible combinations here would be: Mage/Wizard/Scoundrel or Wizard/Scoundrel/Shadow Priest and the like.

A possible group composition looks like this:

* Warrior (Protection)

* Paladin (Holy)

* Mage

* Wizard

* Rogue

Orcs, Orcs and War Dogs

After entering the instance, you have to be careful. Right at the beginning, there are two bone choppers who want to steal your leather. The danger here is not these two enemies, but the enemy that patrols here. Wait for the patrol to turn around and then use your move. When you take out one enemy with crowd control , you kill the other one. Now you have more space and can easily fight the returning patrol.

The following groups of enemies consist of different enemies, which I divide into three categories:

(a) Focus enemies.

Focus enemies are the monsters you should kill first because they pose the greatest threat to the group or because they don’t lend themselves to crowd control abilities. The following enemies fall into this category:

* The Bone Crushing Beastmaster awaits you after a few groups before the first boss. In addition to him, there are three other enemies that need to be eliminated or fended off with crowd control effects. This is especially important since you’ll have to kill the Beastmaster within about 20 seconds before he summons some war dogs for reinforcements, which will most likely inflict casualties or even a wipe on your group.

* Bonechewer Slayers are immune to crowd control abilities and all kinds of trap effects. Fortunately, there are only two Slayers in the entire instance!

* Bonechewer Rampagers are the strongest enemies in the instance, so it’s a good idea to kill them first or right after the Hounds of War. The danger posed by these enemies is simply too great to fight them with crowd control effects. The damage is so high that cloth classes die within 1-2 seconds of being attacked by this type of enemy.

* The War Dogs of the Shattered Hand are enemies that have very few hit points, so your damage classes will take care of the dogs first. Since the dogs always come in pairs, you will then have two less enemies to deal with.

b) Wizards and Ranged Fighters

* Bleeding Hollow Archers are ranged fighters, but relatively weak. They should be taken care of by your tank or – if you have enough crowd control skills – simply taken out.

* Bleeding Hollow Darkcasters are wizards that attack you with a RAIN OF FIRE. RAIN OF FIRE is a channeling effect, meaning you simply dodge the RAIN OF FIRE and then have peace from these enemies for about 10 seconds.

* Bleeding Hollow Gods are enemies that attack with FEAR EFFECTS and SHADOW FLASH. However, the FEAR EFFECT only lasts for three seconds, which is especially nerve-wracking for spellcasters whose spells are interrupted by it. However, these opponents only appear in two groups in the instance.

c) Crowd Control Enemies:

* Bonechewer Destroyers should always be killed with crowd control effects. This is due to their UPWARD HOOK and DEADLY STRIKE. UPWARD HOOK reduces the tank’s aggro and makes off-tanking almost impossible. DEADLY STRIKE reduces healing by 50%, making healing very difficult. These enemies should always be attacked last!

* Bonechewer Feeders are the default enemies of this instance and therefore relatively weak, so you should either off-tank them or use crowd control effects.

Guard Gargolmar

Compared to the Normal difficulty, little has changed here. Gargolmar has three times as many hit points as in Normal mode, and his DEATH Wound ability is stronger. It’s important that you clear the area of enemies before moving, otherwise you’ll have to deal with more enemies than you’d like. You can kill the two guards accompanying Gargolmar or simply use crowd control effects. It’s a good idea to kill one guard and permanently disable the other, for example with the TRANSFORMATION spell. The fight will take longer, but it is still easy. You can find detailed information about Gargolmar’s abilities in the box of each boss on the right.

Variety is the name of the game!

After defeating the Gargolmar guard, continue your fight through the bulwark. You will encounter some familiar enemy types until you reach the second floor of the bulwark through a corridor. Here you will encounter a Bone Butcher and five Bleeding Cave God Lords. This group requires some coordination. The butcher is immune to all crowd control and snare effects. Therefore, it is imperative that he be used by the tank. The other enemies should be gradually refueled by the tank. The first thing you need to do now is kill the soothsayers while the tank aggro’s as many enemies as possible. You can easily dodge the shadow bolts of the fortune tellers. Stand right at the corner and wait until the enemies are in sight of you. Start casting Shadow Lightning by simply running around the corner and disappearing from the line of sight. The fortune teller will break his spell and run back to you to be in line of sight. The game starts all over again. Once you complete this group, you’ll meet up with old friends. The following groups are more difficult only because they consist of more enemies. Pay attention to the above distribution of enemies and kill them one by one. Now the way to the last two bosses is open to you. Even though Omor the Undaunted counts as a boss – he leaves a 100% Urnether – you should kill this boss next because it is easier. The game will start all over again. Once you complete this group, you will meet old friends. The following groups are more difficult only because they consist of more enemies. Pay attention to the above distribution of enemies and kill them one by one. Now the way to the last two bosses is open to you. Even though Omor the Undaunted counts as a boss – he leaves a 100% Urnether – you should kill this boss next because it is easier. The game will start all over again. Once you complete this group, you will meet old friends. The following groups are more difficult only because they consist of more enemies. Pay attention to the above distribution of enemies and kill them one by one. Now the way to the last two bosses is open to you. Even though Omor the Undaunted is considered the final boss – he leaves a 100% Urnether – you should kill this final boss next because it is easier.

Omor the Immaculate

Omor literally stands or falls on your tactics. Unlike in normal mode, Omor’s ability DISCLAIMER AURA is the biggest threat in battle. This debuff is not removable and causes a lot of damage. To avoid this damage, you must spread out. All players must(!) stand at least 10 meters away from each other. If you pay attention to this, you’ll be on the right track. The second danger in this battle comes from the mana dogs that Omor summons at regular intervals. These demonic dogs have a powerful MANABURGE spell that consumes 3,000 mana points. Fortunately, the range of the spell is very short, so mana classes should stay away from the dogs. If you have a warlock with you, it will be even easier. BANNT the Warlock’s first demon dog, he DISMISSES the second, and then uses that dog to tank the third mana dog. In this way, a player can take out three mana dogs. See the box to the right for details on his abilities.

Vazruden and Nazan

Now go to the other side of the second floor of the bulwark and you will see a dragon rider named Vazruden. In front of the platform there are two more enemies connected to the boss. When they die, the battle begins. The fight has two phases. First you fight Vazruden, who has jumped from his dragon and attacks you. At the same time, Nazan hits you from the air with fireballs that leave fire on the ground. You dodge. After severely injuring Vazruden (45%), Nazan lands to help his companion. The landing takes about five to ten seconds. During this time, or at least a short time later, Vazruden should die, otherwise your tank will have to tank two enemies. This is unpleasant, because Nazan does a lot of damage.

Nazan must always turn away from the group. The group should also spread out. Nazan attacks with fire attacks. His FIRE CONUS deals 4500 fire damage to an area in front of him, similar to Onyxia’s FIREBREAKS. He also throws FIREBALLS, which leave burn marks that must be dodged. Items with fire resistance or potions that absorb fire damage are very useful here. If you have a paladin as a healer, he should definitely activate the fire resistance aura. Now here are some alternative . The following strategy is only recommended if you have classes with you that can reset their aggro, i.e. hunters and mages. Since Nazan only lands when Vazruden drops below 45% of his hit points, you can do the following: attack Vazruden until he drops to 50% of his hit points. From now on, you can no longer harm Vazruden. Now attack Nazan in the air with your ranged attack. When Nazan has dropped to 30% of his hit points, swing back to Vazruden and kill him. Your mage and hunter will now use INCREDIBILITY and KILLING. The tank then grabs Nazan and you are left with only 30% of his hit points. The advantage of this tactic is that Nazan is much less dangerous in the air than on the ground. The tank then grabs Nazan and you have only 30% of his hit points left. The advantage of this tactic is that Nazan is much less dangerous in the air than on the ground. The tank then grabs Nazan and you have only 30% of his hit points. The advantage of this tactic is that Nazan is much less dangerous in the air than on the ground.

Tim Kaboth

Guard Gargolmar
A huge orc that fights you with two guards. The guards heal Gargolmar after you wound him badly. Therefore, you have to kill the guards or keep them at bay with crowd control skills.


MELEE DAMAGE: 800 – 1,400

SURGE: A charging effect that also pushes the target away. The damage of this effect is approximately 1,500.

DEATH WOUND: Stackable effect that reduces healing by 10% per stack. This effect is meant to limit the duration of the fight, but is usually not a problem.

COUNTERSTRIKE: Counterattack that only deals 500 to 600 points of damage.

Omor the Undaunted
Demon that fights the party with shadow bolts, debuff spells, and demon hounds. Don’t gang up and stay away from the demon dogs and little can go wrong.


MELEE DAMAGE: 800 – 1,000

SHADOW FLASH: 3,000 – 4,000 points of damage to a target not in melee range.

AURA REVEAL: Unremovable effect cast on a random player. This effect deals 4000 Shadow damage per second to all targets within 10 yards. The debuff lasts for 12 seconds. Make sure to spread out!

ORBITAL STRIKE: The tank is flung into the air and suffers falling damage after a short time. This can be avoided by using Bullrush effects – Warriors with INTERCEPTION and Druids with WILD ROLL – to return to the ground without falling damage.

DEMON DOGS: Omor summons demon dogs that have a powerful MANABURGE spell. However, this has only a short range. Either unload the demon hounds from the tank or have a warlock work with BANISH and ENSLAVE DEMONS.

A two-phase fight reminiscent of the fights against Magmadar and Onyxia. First you fight the orc Vazruden, who is quite weak, but is supported by his dragon Nazan from the air. After Vazruden is badly injured, Nazan lands and showers the group with powerful fire attacks and fear effects. Nazan must always turn away from the group, otherwise they will burst into flames.

Boss Skills


MELEE DAMAGE: 500 – 1,000 points of damage.


MELEE DAMAGE: 1,000 – 1,500 points of damage.

FIRE CONE: 4,500 fire damage in a cone in front of him. So always turn Nazan away from the group!

FIRE BALL: 2,500 fire damage

LIQUID SEA OF FIRE: Fire spots on the ground after a fireball hits. These cause 1000 – 2000 fire damage. So avoid the fire.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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