WoW Guide Heart of Fear (Heroic) – Imperial Vizier Zor’lok, Bladelord Ta’yak and Garalon

The normal mode of the raid instance Heart of Fear has been mastered? Then try the challenges in the heroic version of the Pandaria raid. In the part of our guide to the heroic Heart of Fear, we give for Zor’lok, Ta’yak and Garalon.

Once the normal mode of WoW raids has been played through, the fun really begins for many raid fans. Of course, there is also a heroic version for the Pandaria raid dungeon Heart of Fear, in which the bosses endure more, dish out more and sometimes even have new tricks up their sleeve. You can find out what you should consider in our guide to heroic mode.

The first part of the guide for the heroic version of Heart of Fear deals with Vizier Zor’lok, Bladelord Ta’yak and Garalon. We’re assuming that you’re familiar with the flow of combat in normal mode. If necessary, check out our Heart of Fear normal version raid guide for more info .

Imperial Vizier Zor’lok
This is different in heroic mode
. The first boss is a real hammer. In fact, Zor’lok is one of the more difficult insect enemies in heroic mode. So think about whether you might want to try the following bosses first.

With Imperial Vizier Zor’lok, only three players can benefit from a Zone of Sonic Protection at a time. In addition to the usual sonic rings, “Sonic Pulses” also appear with the “Cut Down” which inflict about 300,000 points of damage when touched.

In addition, in heroic mode, Zor’lok leaves an image of himself when he flies from the first to the second and from the second to the third platform. This image has the capability associated with each platform. Since the boss always starts on the right platform in the room and leaves it when he has about 80 percent of his hit points, the corresponding image also uses the “Power and Momentum” ability there. However, the “breathing in and out” is omitted in the image. Incidentally, the image is always created at the spot where Zor’lok leaves the platform and remains rooted to the spot. If no player is in melee range, it casts the “Song of the Empress”, causing lethal group damage to the entire group after a short time.

When the boss reaches about 60 percent hit points, he moves from the left to the rear platform, also leaving an image behind. In this case, it uses the “weakening”.

If you fight the boss in the final phase in the room, there is another echo of the weakening at around 33 percent of his hit points.

The Tactic (10-player mode)
Assign a raid icon to four players before the start of battle. These four players are divided into the noise protection zones. The remaining six players are assigned to the other four players, i.e. the symbols. Usually two zones appear directly near the boss, the other two are intended more for long-distance fighters. Note that only three players can shelter in each zone. While one tank binds the boss to itself, the other stands in the middle of the boss to absorb the “exhale”.

When the vizier disappears to the other side, the first echo appears. A tank and a healer disappear to the other side with Zor’lok. The rest beat up the Echo. If this now works “force and momentum”, two zones of noise protection appear on both platforms. The tank and healer at Zor’lok can easily use these. On the other platform, two players now have to bite the bullet and take full damage. The tank, for example, is ideal for this, as it has a lot of hit points, takes less damage and does not take any melee hits during this time. Feint rogues are also good. It is best to decide this based on your group composition. Cast Zor’lok Debuff while Echo uses Power and Momentum the zones also protect you against the damage of the sonic rings. These now do 75 percent less damage. However, this does not apply to the now new green “sound pulses”. You have to dodge them under the zones.

If the Echo dies, the rest of the raid runs to Zor’lok and treats him there. With the “attenuation” you have to pay attention to the direction in which the sound waves propagate. This always happens in a spiral. Depending on the direction, you will find an opening on the left or right, which allows you to simply continue walking clockwise or counterclockwise in the opening without being hit by a sonic impulse or a sonic ring. If in doubt, it is better to accept a hit from a sound ring than from an impulse, since the damage is significantly lower here.

If Zor’lok flees to the rear platform, another tank and healer will run after him to keep him in the fight. The rest of the group beat up the Echo for now. However, pay attention to the timer of your boss mod, which shows you when Zor’lok uses the “convert”. Shortly before the end there should only be a tank, a healer and one or two damage dealers at the echo. The rest is now with the boss so that the “convert” has more characters to choose from and no character is taken over by the echo.

If the echo is also defeated, you beat the boss in the second phase, causing him to disappear into the middle of the room. Now it’s time for rage and similar abilities to noticeably deplete hit points. After a while, he casts the “debuff” for the first time. Now dodge the impulses and rings skillfully. Meanwhile, the current boss tank runs into one of the niches. When the boss finishes the “weakening” he runs after the tank. Once there, he already works “strength and momentum”. Protect yourself with the four domes! Shortly thereafter, the final echo of the fading appears. One tank now has the boss in the alcove and is being cared for by a healer, the other grabs the boss and pulls it into the large room, as far away from the echo as possible.

Now all you have to do is deal damage to the boss while a tank occupies the echo. On the one hand, you have to be careful to dodge the rings and impulses that fly through the room from both sides at the same time – both from the echo and from the boss. With mind control, you free your players as quickly as possible. The healer at the Echo should never be affected. In “Power and Momentum”, two zones each appear for the echo and the boss. Here again two players are left out, unless they first run to the echo and seek shelter there. In any case, use damage-reducing abilities as often as possible.

Boss Abilities Imperial Vizier Zor’lok in 10-player mode

Inhale (Inhale)
The boss takes a powerful inhale, granting him a stacking buff. His exhale deals 50 percent more damage per charge.
Exhale (Exhale)
The boss targets a random character, stunning them for 6 seconds and dealing 38,850 to 45,150 points of damage every half second for the duration of the 6 seconds. The first player to position their character between the boss and its target can absorb the damage. Also, after exhaling, the boss loses any charges from inhaling.
Pheromones of Passion (Pheromones of Passion)
Inflicts 28500 to 31500 points of Nature damage to all players every second. In addition, you cannot cast spells during this time.
Sonic Ring (Damping)
Emits sonic rings and sound waves spiraling clockwise or counterclockwise. If you let yourself be hit by the sonic rings, you will take 138,750 to 161,250 points of damage. If you let yourself be hit by the sonic pulses, you will take 277,500 to 322,500 points of damage.
Power and Momentum (Power and Momentum)
Inflicts 138,750 to 161,250 points of damage to all players every second for ten seconds.
Convert (Convert)
Takes over a randomly selected character, increasing their maximum hit points by 150 percent and their damage dealt by 150 percent.
Pheromones of Passion (Pheromones of Passion)
Increases Zor’lok’s damage by 10 percent and attack speed by 20 percent.

In 25-player mode it is different
. Here you play with six or seven healers. The sequence of events remains more or less the same. When Zor’lok first changes platforms, two healers disappear with the tank to the boss while the rest beat up the Echo. When the second echo appears, you have a few seconds before you “convert” and stay with the echo together while only the tank runs to the back platform with its two healers. About ten seconds before the “conversion” you run to the boss with most of the group. Only the melee fighters, the tank and two healers stay on the Echo. In the final stage, one tank and two healers stay on the Echo while the rest destroy the boss.

Boss Imperial Vizier Zor’lok in 25-Player Mode

Inhale (Breathe In)
The boss inhales forcefully, giving him a stackable buff. His exhale deals 50% more damage per charge.
Exhale (Exhale)
The boss targets a random character, stunning them for 6 seconds and dealing 55,500 to 64,500 points of damage every half second for those 6 seconds. The first player to position their character between the boss and their target can absorb the damage. Also, after exhaling, the boss loses all charges from inhaling.
Pheromones of Passion (Pheromones of Passion).
Deals 28500 to 31500 points of nature damage to all players every second. Also, you cannot cast any spells during this time.
Sonic Ring (Attenuation)
Emits sonic rings and sound waves that rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. If you let the sonic rings hit you, you take 138,750 to 161,250 points of damage. If you let the sonic pulses hit you, you suffer 277,500 to 322,500 points of damage.
Force and Momentum (Force and Momentum).
Deals 138,750 to 161,250 points of damage to all players every second for ten seconds.
Convert (Convert)
Takes over a randomly selected character and increases their maximum hit points by 150 percent and their damage dealt by 150 percent.
Pheromones of Passion (Pheromones of Passion)
Increases Zor’lok’s damage by 10 percent and his attack speed by 20 percent.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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