WoW Guide: Halondrus – Mausoleum of the Firsts

The seventh boss in the Mausoleum of the first Actually acts as a kind of DpS check. He has very few abilities and can send the entire raid to the Spirit Healer if you don’t deal enough damage to the right targets. “Actually” in that case, because Halondrus had so little health in PTR testing that entire phases could be skipped. That is no longer the case.

  • Be sure to keep the bullets floating towards the boss away from him by pushing them back with your touch!
  • Dodge ALL ground effects – and there are tons of them!
  • Don’t get pushed off the cliff in the intermediate phase. Always stay close to the boss!
  • Tanks must remove the shield of bullets per boss attack in heroic mode!

Halondrus, the Recoverer – Video Short Guide

Phase 1: The Reclaimer

In the first phase, the boss stands stationary in its room, not moving from the spot. Immediately after the pull, he causes three large pylons to appear and move in a circle around him. Each of these pylons reduces the damage Halondrus takes and has a shield of its own, making it impossible to kill the floating entities. However, you can counteract this with LIGHT SPLIT. This massive beam is always cast on the active tank, deals a lot of damage and increases the damage taken by a whopping 500 percent. However, if a pylon is hit at the same time, it loses its shield and can be killed by you. Your task in phase 1 is to hit all three pylons one after the other with the LIGHT SPLIT and knock them down quickly.
This mechanic seems to have been completely removed. Only the LIGHT SPLITTER RAY, which is cast on the tank and increases its damage taken, remains.

This is complicated by several other abilities. Bullets will hit random targets that you’ll have to dodge, and all players will suffer pulsing damage on a regular basis. In addition, a lot of players will be inflicted with SEISMIC QUIVERING. In their position, a projectile will hit shortly after, dealing high damage to surrounding players. It also leaves an area on the ground that causes damage to the players inside it. So you have to stand regularly spread out and then run from your impact.

You'll have to keep spreading out so you don't get double damage. Afterwards you have to run out of the impact, so look for a suitable spot already;

You have to spread out again and again so that you don’t get double damage. Afterwards, you have to run out of the impact, so look for a suitable spot already.

Source: buffed

Bright puddles also appear at the edges of the . A bullet will fly out of them towards the boss, which must not reach it under any circumstances. However, you can push the ball away from the boss by touching it, which will cause damage to you. The longer the phase lasts, the more orbs you get – a kind of soft-enragement. In heroic mode, some orbs are also protected by FRAKTAL HILL. This shield has to be removed by the tanks’ LIGHT SPLIT to push the bullets back. And there are still some bigger bullets flying around the boss in a circle, which should not hit you.

On top of that, there’s a removable debuff that does a lot of damage and, when removed, leaves a puddle where no other player should go in either. If you manage to bring the boss to 80 percent, he will cast BACKWIN. He gets a small shield, which you have to knock away with damage. As long as this lasts, Halondrus will deal increasing area damage and pull you in. Once you have knocked down the shield, the bullets disappear and phase 2 begins.

Phase 2: The Shimmering Cliffs

The previously stationary boss now begins to move, walking purposefully through an opening created behind him and wandering along the cliffs. Your task is to follow him and not to be left behind. Because all openings in the rock massifs close shortly after Halondrus has passed through them.

These bullets must not reach the boss under any circumstances. <br>  

These bullets must not reach the boss under any circumstances.

Source: buffed

Each time the boss takes a step, you’ll take some area damage in the process, and the projectiles and debuff from Phase 1 will also remain. During its path, Halondrus also drops very large orbs that explode a few seconds later, knocking you back. Here you have to be careful not to get pushed off the cliffs. At the same time, of course, you should deal as much damage as possible to the boss during the path.

If you arrive in the next room, then phase 1 repeats until you have brought the boss to 40 percent. So the more damage you did while running, the faster this phase goes. After that, there is another running phase into the third room, where phase 1 is waiting again. The only relevant changes are that, on the one hand, the area damage keeps increasing, there are more and more bullets that you have to keep away from the boss, and the large bullets rotating around the boss become more. In the last phase, there are so many that there is no way through. So you have to split the raid into two groups.

Many changes on the PTR

In general, everything from the PTR should be taken with a grain of salt. In this case, however, that is especially true. The developers have not only increased and decreased the health points of Halondrus several times during the normal and heroic tests, some abilities were also sometimes included and sometimes not. Then again, they were declared as mythical abilities, only to reappear in the normal mode. Obviously, the developers had a hard time finding the right level of difficulty. And even the live version was adjusted several times by the developers via hotfix even before the release on the European servers.

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