The talent trees are one of the great features of WoW: Dragonflight. In contrast to the old versions, they are much more extensive. So that you can take over the distribution of a friend relatively easily, the loadout feature gets an import/share function missed.
With WoW: Dragonflight, the developers are throwing the previous talent matrix in the trash and replacing it with talent trees. However, these are not the ancient versions that we know from WoW Classic. There will be one talent tree for each class and one for the selected specialization. In the process, we players will get an incredible number of options for assembling different setups.
To ensure that we make extensive use of this option and don’t spend hours redistributing talent points every time we switch from the raid to a dungeon or go from one boss to the next, the developers have implemented a so-called loadout system. With it, we can save an infinite number of distributions under a chosen name and call them up again at the push of a button – and soon share them with our friends.
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Talent trees get import/share feature
The feature implemented with the launch of the beta had already been announced between the lines, but never officially confirmed. So now it’s clear that we can easily share our talent distributions with our friends. For this, the menu where we can save the loadouts has been expanded by two more items.
Via “Share” we can easily share the current talent distribution with other players. A character code is created and automatically copied to your clipboard. You can then share it via chat or other ways by pressing Ctrl-V. And it works the same way the other way around. If you click on “Import”, a small window opens. If you copy such a code into it and then click on Import, you automatically take over this distribution and can save it under a name of your choice.
The strings for different loadouts in WoW: Dragonflight are manageably long.
Source: buffed
This not only makes it very easy to share your distribution with friends, but also to copy other players’ distributions. For example, if you are playing a twink and don’t want to delve deeper into the talents, you can simply copy the distribution of an experienced player – without spending hours distributing.
Here is the official post from Blizzard about the new feature:
Players can now share loadout talent builds with each other. To share your current loadout with another player of your same specialization, players can click the Share button in the Loadout dropdown. This will copy a series of letters and numbers that can be shared with other players. To import a talent loadout, players can click the Import Loadout button in the same dropdown to paste the talent loadout text.
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