WoW Classic & TBC Classic: Winter Veil Festival 2021 is here! (Guide)

WoW Classic & TBC Classic: Winter Veil Festival 2021 is here! (Guide)A few days before Christmas, the Winter Veil Festival begins in and Burning Crusade Classic. However, the classic version differs in some details from the normal World of Warcraft version. In our Winter Veil guide, we explain what you need to keep in mind and which gifts you can bag.

Christmas time in World of Warcraft means Winter Veil time again in 2021. While Blizzard has changed the world event more and more over the years in normal WoW, fans in WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic still enjoy the original variants of the festivities. In our guide, we summarize for you exactly what to expect in the classic Winter Veil versions (Classic Era, – Season of Championship, and TBC Classic), which run until January 2, 2022.

NEW: The Winter Veil Festival in Burning Crusade Classic

Like many other world events, the Winter Veil Festival has been expanded with the Burning Crusade expansion. Here are the most important new features compared to the version from classic WoW:

  • In the Winter Veil gift under the Christmas tree, you can find the wind-up rocket bot from December 25.
  • If you blow a kiss to a winter celebrant (/kiss), you can now also pick up 5 x handfuls of snowflakes.
  • The green and red winter hats now also drop from specific bosses in the TBC Classic dungeons.

Here is the list of bosses:

  • Captain Skarloc in Old Hill Country Foothills (Red Winter Cap).
  • Nethermantin Sepethrea in Mechanar (Red Winter Cap)
  • High Botanist Freywinn in Botanika (Red Winter Cap)
  • Grandmaster Vorpil in Shadow Labyrinth (Green Winter Cap)
  • Exarch Maladaar in Auchenaikrypta (Green Winter Cap)
  • Grand Wizard Nethekurse in Shattered Halls (Green Winter Cap)

General information about the Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic

Before we get into the actual activities that await you at the Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic, we have some general information about the event for you:

The Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic will take place until January 02.

You can buy snowballs from the – Season al merchants of the Cocel forests. You can also find the frozen wetness in piles of holiday snow in snowy areas of Azeroth (for example, the Mountains of Alterac). Engineers can also craft the Snow Master 900. You can also find Solidly Formed Snowball in Solidly Frozen Snowdrifts in Alterac Valley, which you can use to knock other players back.
You have the ability to transform into a sidekick of Oldfather Winter using the so-called PX-238 Winter Miracle Shaper. The associated buff lasts for 30 minutes and renews every time you enter one of the associated machines. You can find the wonderformers in the following locations:

  • at the docks of Lootbook in Stranglethorn Vale
  • outside the gates of Ironforge
  • next to the flight master of Orgrimmar
  • next to the flight master of Stormwind
  • in the zeppelin tower of the swamps of Tirisfal
  • east of Gadgetzan in Tanaris
  • at the docks in the port of Menethil

Everywhere you go in the inns of the big cities you will find revelers of the Winter Veil Festival. If you give them a kiss (/kiss), you will randomly receive one of the following items:

  • Fresh Fir Branch: turns your mount into a reindeer for seven days.
  • Mistletoe: grants the target +20 willpower

The merchants of the Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic

As usual with most events in World of Warcraft (buy now )there are also various merchants at the Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic. The following merchants will sell you food and drinks:

  • Macey Jinglepocket in the Banking District of Ironforge (Alliance).
  • Guchie Jinglepocket in the Trade District of Stormwind (Alliance)
  • Kaymard Copperpinch in the Valley of Strength of Orgrimmar (Horde)
  • Whulwert Copperpinch on the main platform of Thunderrock (Horde)
  • Jaycrue Copperpinch in the merchant district of Undercity (Horde)

These merchants will sell you

  • Bean Brew
  • Green Garden Tea
  • Festive cheese wheel
  • Graccus homemade meat pie
  • Fallow land sausages
  • Steamwheedle prickle schnapps
  • Oldfather Winter’s beer

You can also get general holiday goods from five other merchants:

  • Wulmort Jinglepocket in the Banking District of Ironforge (Alliance)
  • Khole Jinglepocket in the Stormwind Trade District (Alliance)
  • Penney Copperpinch in the Valley of Strength of Orgrimmar (Horde)
  • Seersa Copperpinch on the main platform of Thunderrock (Horde)
  • Nardstrum Copperpinch in the merchant district of Undercity (Horde)

These merchants offer the following goods for sale:

  • Snowball
  • Wrapping paper with blue ribbon
  • Wrapping paper with green ribbon
  • Wrapping paper with purple ribbon
  • Holiday spices
  • Festive spirits
  • Recipe: Gingerbread
  • Recipe: Egg flip
  • Candy bar

Winter Veil Festival in WoW Classic: Gifts from Oldfather Winter

As usual, you can open the gifts from Oldfather Winter under the Christmas tree in Orgrimmar or Ironforge on December 25 in WoW Classic. You will receive the following items from the colorful packages:

  • Lightly Shaken Gift (requires level 1) includes Winter Veil Roast or Winter Veil Egg Flip.
  • Carefully wrapped gift (requires level 1) includes Winterhawk cookies
  • Festive Gift (requires level 10) includes Wand of Festive Joy
  • Happily Wrapped Gift (requires level 20) randomly includes one of the following items following items: Green Helper Box, Red Helper Box, Snowman Set, Tinker Bells
  • Ticking Gift (requires level 40) includes Mechanical Curmudgeon, 5x Preserved Fir Branch, and a random one of the following recipes: Recipe: Elixir of Frost Power – Alchemy, Plans: Blade of Winter – Blacksmithing, Blueprint: Snow Master 9000 – Engineering, Formula: Weapon – Winter Power – Enchantment Art, Pattern: Gloves of the Ancient One – Leatherworking, Pattern: Green Feast Shirt – Tailoring.

The WoW Classic winter hats

As in normal WoW, you can also get hold of various winter caps from the bosses of various dungeons in WoW Classic:

  • Red Winter Hat
  • Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in the Blackrock Depths
  • War Master Voone in the Lower Blackrock Depths
  • Cannon Master Willey in Stratholme

Green Winter Cap

  • Prince Tortheldrin in Bleak Quarry West
  • Dark Master Gandling in Scholomance
  • Goraluk Hammerbreak in Upper Blackrock Peak

The quests of the Classic Winter Veil Festival

The Winter Veil Festival offers all sorts of quests, which in turn reward you with various items. The Oldfather Winter is Here quest starts with any of the NPCs of the Cokewoods in your faction’s capitals. Simply talk to Oldfather Winter in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, respectively, to complete the quest.

Next, you will receive the follow-up quest Treats for Oldfather Winter. To do this, you must bring Oldfather Winter five gingerbread cookies and a glass of Ice Cold Milk. You can make the gingerbread yourself using a recipe you can buy from the holiday merchants, Small Egg and Holiday Spices. As a reward for the quest, you will receive a Cocelwood Gift Box with the following items:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Magus King Herb
  • Linen cloth bale
  • Light Leather

Later, you will also receive a Coke Forest Tasting Pack containing a Graccus Homemade Fruit Pie.

In addition, you can accept the quest The Cause for the Holidays from Furmund (Horde) or Goli Krumn (Alliance). You can find the respective quest giver near the bank of your respective faction capital. Run to Sagorne Creststrider (Horde) or Historian Karnik (Alliance) to complete the quest and receive the follow-up quest: The Winter Veil Festival. Read The Feast of Winter Veil and then take it to Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunderrock or King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge to collect 200 reputation points from their respective capitals as a reward.

The quest Stolen Winter Veil Treats requires a level 30 character. You can get it from Kaymard Copperpinch (Horde) or Wulmort Jinglepocket (Alliance). To complete the quest, you must search for the Strange Snowman in a cave in Alterac Mountains (at 34/70) and ask him about the missing treats. Once you have spoken to the Snow Man, you will receive the follow-up quest So Mean…, which requires you to defeat the Monstrous Curmudgeon and retrieve the Stolen Treats. Progress for this NPC applies to your entire party. The Curmudgeon spawns at any location in the Alterac Mountains where Yetis are present, and announces its arrival with a shout.

If you have a character who is at least level 30 and has completed the daily quest So Mean…. daily quest, you can accept a quest from Kaymard Copperpinch (Horde) or Wulmort Jinglepocket (Alliance) called A Thank You from Kokelwälder! This quest will reward you with a special Kokelwälder gift that happens to contain one of the following recipes:

  • Recipe: Elixir of Frost Power (Alchemy).
  • Plans: Blade of Winter (Blacksmithing)
  • Formula: Weapon – Winter Power (Enchantment)
  • Blueprint: Snow Master 9000 (Engineering)
  • Pattern: Gloves of the Old Father (Leatherworking)
  • Pattern: Green festive shirt (Tailoring)

Last but not least, you can accept the quest Metzen the Reindeer once you reach level 40. You will receive the quest from Kaymard Copperpinch and Wulmort Jinglepocket, respectively, who will give you a bag of reindeer dust and task you with rescuing Metzen the Reindeer. You can find Metzen either near a Dark Iron Dwarf camp in Searing Gulch at 66/35 or with the South Sea Pirates off the coast of Tanaris at 71/48. As a reward for rescuing Metzen, you will receive five Preserved Fir Twig and 200 reputation points from the Steam Pressure Cartel, as well as a Cocelwood Extra Special Gift including 20 Graccus Homemade Fruit Pies.

If you have a Cooking skill of 300 and have freed Metzen, you can also accept the Hero of the Day quest from Kaymard Copperpinch and Wulmort Jinglepocket, respectively. For this quest, you must have reached level 40. Give five gold and one deep rock salt to receive five more Preserved Fir Branch.

What is WoW Classic?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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