WoW Classic: Prepare for Phase 5 – Update for Nature Resistance Items

Update: In our preparation guide for Phase 5, we now also tell you which Nature Resistance items will not be available in Phase 5. Original: Phase 5 will bring some exciting content to the WoW Classic live servers: all challenges around Ahn’Qiraj as well as the Tier 0.5 set for dungeon enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll tell you how you can and should prepare for the next Classic phase right now. Keywords: Nature resistance, frost damage weapons, or opening Ahn’Qiraj.

Update from June 30:
There is now a date for the release of Classic Patch 1.13.5 and the launch of Ahn’Qiraj: Content Phase 5 of the vanilla re-release starts on July 29. In addition, Blizzard’s developers have revealed which Nature Resistance items will not (!) be coming into the game with the upcoming phase. We have updated the Other Sources of Nature Resistance Clothing section accordingly.

Update from May 18:
In the last section about the upcoming Tier 0.5 quest line, we have now also summarized all the materials you can already farm.

Original article from May 11:
WoW Classic Phase 4 challenges are less than a month old, and it will likely be a long time before Blizzard’s developers give the go-ahead for the next phase of content. We expect Phase 5 to be released in July 2020 (give or take half a month) . However, the upcoming tasks have it in them and are certainly the most difficult that Classic players have had to master so far. Officially, the contents of Phase 5 are as follows:

Ahn’Qiraj – Opening Event
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (20-player raid)
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (40-player raid)
Tier 0.5 sets
However, if you want to get your guild off to a good start in Phase 5, you can start preparing for Ahn’Qiraj now – keywords: nature resistant clothing, frost damage weapons, opening supplies, Tier 0.5 set requirements. What exactly you can do and what items you should farm, we tell you below.

Nature Resistance for the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
True, there are already bosses in the game where equipment with nature resistance could theoretically be useful – we’re looking at you, Zul’Gurub. However, the fights have been so easy so far that many groups are forgoing the wild aspect of the hunters themselves. In the 40-player Temple of Ahn’Qiraj instance, however, things will (most likely) be different. Here, two completely different calibers await all raid groups in the form of Huhuran and Viscidus, who throw deadly poison attacks.

On the one hand, Huhuran inflicts a wyvern sting on the raid every 30 seconds, which leaves hit players asleep. When the poison effect is lifted, victims suffer 2,000 points of natural damage. With each additional distance, the damage taken increases successively. Secondly, Huhuran shoots poison bolts from 30 percent health, which also inflict high nature damage to the 15 players closest to Huhuran. Last but not least, Acid Spit is a main tank debuff that stacks higher and higher, dealing Nature damage.

Viscidus, on the other hand, has a poison shock for the aggro holder, a poison lightning volley that deals natural damage and leaves a nasty damage-over-time effect, and a poison cloud that not only deals natural damage but also noticeably reduces movement speed.

Who needs how much natural resistance?
The most important thing for your tanks is, of course, to have as high a natural resistance value as possible. They should get up to 315 natural resistance with buffs. In addition, all melee fighters and, if applicable, your hunters should get as much Natural Resistance gear as possible so that your raid has at least 15 people who can intercept any Poison Bolt from Huhuran. Around 200 natural resistance is a good starting value here without being pushed. Of course, since players can die at any time with Huhuran, and Viscidus has Nature damage attacks in store for the entire raid, all spellcasters should have some Nature resistance gear in their bank as well, just to be on the safe side.

What Nature Resistance gear can you farm now?
Below, we’ll tell you where you can already get Nature Resistance gear.

1) The Emerald Dragons

In Phase 4, the Emerald Dragons Taerar, Ysondre, Lethon, and Emeriss were introduced, and unfortunately, they drop some of the best Nature Resistance pieces currently available, such as Acid Inscribed Legguards, Unnatural Leather Spoolers, or Green Dragonhide Cloak. Why “unfortunately?” Well, because the world bosses are farmed by a few guilds on many classic servers and most characters have never seen any of the dragons. So for most Azeroth heroes, world boss loot is not an option.

2) Silithus Quests
Phase 4 also brought new content for the dusty Silithus zone, including a whole bunch of quests that you can do for the Coven of Cenaria. Some of the rewards are also interesting for “AQ40”. If you’ve completed “An Infernal Plan”, you’ll receive a letter some time later, as well as the “Whisper of Nature” neckpiece, which shouldn’t be sold even by melee fighters thanks to the nature resistance counters. If you even complete the of quests with the various elite tasks from Silithus, which ultimately result in a task for an entire raid, you can choose one of two pieces of loot at the end. The guide author’s rogue received something like Cenarion reservist leggings. Of course, there are comparable items for the other classes as well.

3) Nature Resistance Items from Dungeons
In some of the classic dungeons, you can use nature resistance to steal useful items from certain bosses. The following group instances are particularly recommended in this regard:

Scourer Chloromesh Belt
Vinerot Sandals from Strangler
Phytohide Spaulders from Schlingwurzler
Gaia Leggings from Schlingwurzler
Albino Crocodile Boots from Rotsnatch
Flower Headgear by Meshlok the Harvester
Helmet of the Mountain from Landslide
Shackles of Noxxion from Noxxion
Elemental Rock Leggings from Princess Theradras
Cloak of the Grove Keeper from Celebras the Cursed
Heart of Noxxion from Noxxion (gets the gem twice)
Poisonous Archer of Noxxion
Nerub’enkan catch-drop runner
Nerub’enkan crypt stalker leggings
Darkwoven claws of Nerub’enkan
Nerub’enkan acid etched armor vests
Armor of Nerub’enkan of Nerub’enkan
Dire Maul East
Stonebark Gauntlets from Protector of Ironbark or Petrified Treant
Shadowleaf Cloak from Alzzin the Wildshaper
Razorfen Hill
Tuten’kash Arachnid Gauntlets
Temple of Atal’Hakkar
Staff of Corrosion from the Shadow of Eranikus

4) Other sources of nature resistant clothing
There are a number of other items that are currently available. For example, the random world drops from the green Venom Veil cloth set, Cow King skin, Chimera Leather crafted pieces, Thorium Plate crafted pieces, or rings such as the Nature Resistance Ring Peridot. Keep your eyes peeled at the auction house for a bargain on one or two of these items, including the Stone Bark Gauntlets from DB East (see above).

Also already in the game is an enchantment that increases your nature resistance: the Nature Cloak of Dawn from the Argent Dawn merchants. Not yet in the game is the Abomination Guardian from Zul’Gurub for trouser and head pieces, which you can exchange for an Arcanum of Focus, Arcanum of Speed, or Arcanum of Protection if you have a benevolent reputation with the Zandalari. However, the Arcanum items can already be farmed in preparation.

What is certain is that the Abomination Warden will not be available until sometime after Phase 5. The same goes for various rare items with nature resistances.

ironvine belts
ironvine gloves
Ironvine breastplate
thornwood belt
thornwood boots
thornwood helmet
Abomination Guard
Band of the Cenarion
Sylvan shoulders
Sylvan crown
Embrace of Gaea
sylvan vest

5) Get Preservation Potions / Elemental Earth
The closer we get to Phase 5, the more expensive the great preservation potions or elemental earth you’ll need to craft them. So start stocking up on preservation potions now. Alternatively, you can farm Elemental Earth (and Dream Leaf) and then use Phase 5 and selling the potions or Elemental Earth itself to earn some extra gold.

Frost Weapons for the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj

We just mentioned Viscidus. The boss in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj has a special mechanic that forces the player to stock up on frost weapons beforehand. This is because only by raining down enough frost attacks on Viscidus in a comparatively short period of time can you trigger the next phase of the fight and eventually defeat the boss. Yes, you read that correctly: In this fight, you temporarily swap your current best Super Epics for what are actually only moderately good blue or purple weapons that deal frost damage and – if possible – have been reinforced with frost oil.

Here is a selection of weapons you can get for this fight:

Hammer of the North Wind – World Drop (check the auction house from time to time).
Frost Spike – Quest reward from The Lich Ra’s Frostwhisper
Dagger of Cold Wrath – loot from Amnennar the Coldbringer in Razorfen Hill
Glacier Blade – Reputation reward from Alterac Valley faction
Hurricane – World Drop (found from time to time in the Auction House)
Wands with frost damage

Preparation for the opening of Ahn’Qiraj
However, before we can enter the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, we must first open the entire raid complex. However, this will only happen if at least one guild on the server masters a very complex series of quests, at the end of which there will be the iconic gong strike and the actual opening event. In addition, both factions on the server must gather supplies for the fight against the Silithids. These supplies can already be farmed.

Both factions must gather the following supplies:

90,000 x Copper Ingots
26,000 x Purple Lotus
80,000 x Thick Leather
17,000 x Spotted Yellowtail
400,000 x Runic Fabric Bandage
The Alliance must also collect the following supplies:

28,000 x Iron Bars
24,000 x Thorium Ingots
20,000 x Arthas’ Tears
33,000 x Strangletkelp
180,000 x Light Leather
110,000 x Medium Leather
20,000 x Toasted Raptor
14,000 x Rainbow Fin Tuna
800,000 x Linen bandage
600.000 x Silk Bandage

Preparation for the Tier 0.5 set

The Dungeon Set 2 – also called T0.5 set – was introduced by Blizzard in vanilla WoW with patch 1.10. It is intended to offer casual players in particular the opportunity to upgrade their Tier 0 armor from the dungeons and thus get a good alternative to Tier 1 (and depending on the playstyle, even to the current BiS equipment). The kicker: You have to get all the pieces of your Tier 0 set beforehand, of course – and that’s exactly what you can currently do in Classic WoW. In the following article we have summarized for you which dungeon boss you can get which part of the set:

What is WoW Classic?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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