WoW Class Guide: Fire Mage

Whoever plays with fire burns their fingers – at least that applies to the opponents of the fire magicians from WoW. In our class guide we provide and information on how to play the fire mage.

Some WoW heroes just want to watch the world burn – like the fire mages. The strong fire spells are designed for high area damage and also deal out direct damage properly, but the specialization offers little or no protective measures compared to the other skills. So the credo is: to decimate all enemies as quickly as possible before they get too close to you – an easy exercise for a gifted fire magician. We’ll tell you the best tips and tricks to get the most out of your magician in heated battles. You can find a suggestion for talent and glyph distribution for fire mages in the buffed talent planner.

Before the fight

Critical strike is the be-all and end-all for fire mages, as critical hits trigger important procs that benefit your two most powerful spells. Therefore, from your three magic armors, give priority to the glowing armor and also cast Brilliance on you and your allies. Make sure that you always have a mana gem in your pocket with Conjure Mana Gem from the start to bridge a short mana shortage in combat. Then open the fight with Living Bomb and make sure that this damage-over-time (DoT) spell stays permanently active on your target. Then it is important to pay attention to certain procs in order to burn the target with your strongest spells.

top values
1) intelligence
2) hit value (up to 15%)
3) Critical Hit Rating
4) pace
5) Championship


At the top of the Fire Mage priority list is Combustion, a powerful instant cast cast that only unlocks its full potential once Pyroblast and Ignite DoTs are active on your target. Right behind that is the powerful Pyroblast, which triggers one of the DoTs; this spell is only worthwhile if you use the proc Pyroblast! benefits, reducing the long cast time to that of an instant. The proc is triggered automatically as soon as two of your fire spells critically hit in a row. And here comes the trick: You can at least deliberately produce the second critical hit by casting Inferno Strike immediately after the warm-up proc, which in turn is triggered by a critical hit with a fireball or another fire spell. Inferno Blast always critically hits your target, making your next Pyro Blast instant – as a nice bonus, it deals an additional 25% damage when warmed up. To bridge the time between the two important procs, you cast the good old Fireball and conscientiously renew the Living Bomb.

just let her come!

Since the fire mage’s standard procedure already includes strong area magic, the playing style does not change at first, even when there are several opponents. Casts Living Bomb on three targets first, then transitions to single target rotation. Use Inferno Strike in combination with the Warm Up proc as often as possible to propagate your DoTs to all enemies around your target. You only unpack the fiery area magic flame blast and dragon’s breath when you have eight or more opponents; with fewer enemies, they consume too much mana compared to the damage output. Use Arcane Blast as needed to bypass cooldowns of stronger spells – but not too often as it drains your mana reserves.

priority listfor single targets
1) CremationOnly cast Combustion if Pyroblast and Ignite damage-over-time (DoT) effects are active on your target. These are triggered by your remaining fire spells.
2) Living BombKeep the DoT active on your target at all times and refresh it when or just before it expires.
3) PyroblastOnly in combination with the proc Pyroblast!, which is triggered by two critical hits in a row. This makes Pyroblast instant cast and deals more damage.
4) Inferno StrikeCasts Infernal Strike whenever Warmup is activated by a critical hit. This will cause you to deal two critical hits in a row and activate the Proc Pyroblast!
5) FireballYour basic attack to invoke Ignite and cooldown your other spells.
priority listfor enemy groups
1) Inferno StrikeCast Inferno Strike, preferably in combination with Warm Up, to propagate your DoTs to all enemies around the target.
2) Living BombKeep the DoT active on as many targets as possible and refresh it when or just before it expires.
3) Flame BurstWhen casting, make sure all targets are within the area of ​​effect. Flame blast is particularly effective with eight or more opponents.
4) Dragon’s BreathIt’s only worth it if there are eight or more opponents who are as close together as possible.
5) Arcane ExplosionMana-intensive area-of-effect spell that affects all targets around your current position. Cast Arcane Blast while stronger area of ​​effect spells are on cooldown.

Mobile battles

If you have to move a lot with a boss, your fireball is no longer used as a damage spell. Therefore, swap the Presence of Mind talent for Scorch as you wishwhich can be cast while moving, replacing your fireball in the priority list. Otherwise, use more Living Bomb, Inferno Strike, and the spontaneous Pyroblast to dish out properly while running. Reflection also provides continuous damage without using up valuable casting time. The Minor Glyph of Momentum also helps you get out of harm’s way more flexibly by allowing Blink to teleport you in the direction you’re moving. Save heavy cooldowns and especially evocation for a combat phase where you can stand still for a few seconds and use your full potential again.

More damage for a short time

The new Time Shift spell is particularly interesting: Make sure that the procs Pyroblast! and Summon (if you’ve chosen the talent) are active and activates Presence of Mind before you cast it. So you benefit twice from the useful buffs. Immediately repeat the procedure once Time Shift’s cooldown expires to tease maximum damage out of your mage. Reflection also gives you a small damage bonus, so keep your magical images on cooldown in long fights. Wait for your raid leader’s call to cast time warp at the right time and grant a damage boost to the entire raid.

Important Skills
1) time warpYour main raid buff, providing high burst damage for forty seconds. Wait for your raid leader’s announcement or use time warp at the end of a boss fight.
2) evocationTemporarily increased damage (with the Evocation talent) and fast mana regeneration. Casts Evocation whenever the damage buff expires if you have Evocation as a tier 5 talent.
3) time differenceOnly uses time shift when the buffs Pyroblast! and Summon are active, only to benefit from them again after six seconds.
4) mirror imageKeep Mirror Image on cooldown to consistently benefit from moderate bonus damage.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access toWoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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