WoW : Burning Crusade Classic – this is how you prepare yourself optimally

Since BlizzCon 2021, we have known with 100% certainty that the Blizzard developers responsible will be adding The Burning Crusade content to the current WoW Classic servers in the foreseeable future. As soon as the launch is due, the players in Outland in particular, who are already optimally preparing for the upcoming TBC adventure, will get off to a flying start. We tell you what goes into such a preparation.

It has been clear since BlizzCon 2021: The Blizzard developers will expand all current WoW Classic servers with the content of the first WoW addon this year . As soon as the launch day arrives and the Dark Portal is open, the players in Outland in particular, who are already optimally preparing for the upcoming TBC adventure, will get off to a flying start. In this guide we will tell you what is part of such an optimal preparation for TBC.

WoW: Decide which class you want to play
You should already think about which class and specialization you want to play in your guild raid in the future. As is well known, there are some changes with TBC Classic compared to the vanilla version that need to be considered when making a decision: the raid sizes, the debuff upper limit and the class and design. Currently dominant damage specialists such as fury warriors and rogues suddenly no longer belong to the crème de la crème.

More: TBC Classic – who rocks, who sucks? Private server lessons
They are surpassed by archetypes that have rarely or never appeared at the top of the logs. At the same time, the various hybrid ways of playing are gaining in strength because they deliver even better buffs and debuffs that hardly any raid would want to do without. On top of that, their damage potential is also higher.

This guide provides you with a decision -making aid: WoW: TBC Classic – the most important buffs and debuffs / optimal raid setup

WoW: These classic items are also relevant in TBC
In Classic you can currently get a whole range of items that also have their use in The Burning Crusade.

Useful consumables
Potion of free action : There are also a number of encounters in the TBC in which you can use this potion to counter stun or movement-limiting effects. And of course the FaP is still used in PvP (not allowed in the arenas!).
Speed ​​Potion : If you’re looking to get from A to B quickly, such as carrying flags on the battlefield, this potion remains a solid option.
Invisibility Potion: You can also use this potion to bypass certain trash groups in the TBC raids and dungeons. Or you use the potion for PvP.
Mighty Rage Potion : Every warrior should have with them.
Thistle Tea : Every villain should pack one.
Flask of Supreme Power : Will be significantly cheaper in TBC than the new Flask while providing only 10 less Spell Power.
Flask of Distilled Wisdom : Still a strong option for all playstyles that want to accumulate as much intelligence as possible (Holy Paladins for example)
Flask of Petrification : An emergency protection effect that will also feature in TBC. ATTENTION: The flasks were noticeably weakened with patch 2.1.
Limited Invulnerability Potion : Protecting yourself from physical attacks for a while is also a good thing to have a TBC. ATTENTION: The LiPs were noticeably weakened with patch 2.1.
Dark Rune and Demonic Rune : Also very popular with spellcasters in TBC.
Elixir of Demon Slaying : Outland is infested with demons.
Regeneration potion: Poisons, curses, diseases and magical debuffs also plague you in Outland.

Engineers’ gimmicks
In TBC, the art of engineering for the PvE area is no longer quite as important as it is now in WoW (buy now) Classic was the case. Those who remain true to the art of engineering can not only look forward to strong helmets (more on that later), many gadgets are still used. Here is a selection:

Bomb : Great option to silence a group of enemies in one fell swoop. Useful in raids, dungeons and in PvP.
Field repair bot-74A : A mandatory item in the progress for all raid groups, with which you can repair yourself after countless wipes. Most likely cheaper to manufacture than the TBC counterpart.
Goblin Jumper Cable XL : Bringing the dead back to the living with no healers nearby? If successful, this will also be celebrated in TBC.
Parachute Cloak : If you’re constantly hanging around in TBC in Arathi Basin and can’t find a corresponding ability in the magic book, you should pack this cloak.
Grenades : Can still be thrown in usefully in fights, for example the Iron Grenade to throw an opponent out of step in PvP.
Enchantment Materials
In general, enchantment materials will be sold on the auction house table for good gold throughout the TBC era. The profession is very useful in the first WoW expansion, and particularly ambitious players will keep learning enchanting to enchant their new rings, only to then exchange the profession for another.

In addition, enchanters with their classic weapon oils are also very popular with casters and healers in TBC. And what do you need for Superb Magic Oil and Superb Mana Oil ? Of course: Big shiny shards . So stock up now!

Also oldie but goldie: the Crusader weapon enchantment , which will be popular with many melee fighters as a cheap option, especially in the early days of TBC. In addition to the splinters, righteous orbs are of course also an issue here.

Zul’Gurub Enchantments
In TBC, the best enchantments for the Head, Pants, and Shoulders slots are tied to reputation factions or professions. So if you’re looking to upgrade your new Outland gear early on, make sure to visit Zul’Gurub again soon and get the items you need for the Zandalari shoulder, head, and pants enchantments .

WoW: Bring your desired professions to 300 and twinks to level 50
In TBC, your character’s professions will be of similar importance as they were in Classic. As a tailoring expert, for example, you can create several really strong cloth sets that for a long time outshine everything that can drop in dungeons and raids for various mana styles. The situation is similar with the helmets of the engineers or with some weapons and armor of the blacksmiths. Without the respective profession you have to leave a lot of gold in the auction house for these items, many of the items even require the respective profession.

The Leatherworking profession is also a strong choice for players who are ambitious about taking on TBC’s raid challenges. The reason: Drums of Battle , which you use to increase the melee, ranged, and cast haste ratings of all nearby party members. Used correctly, this item alone provides your raid with an enormous DpS boost. ATTENTION: Blizzard has stated that the designers want to adjust the drums so that not every player feels compelled to level up leatherworking. We do not currently know what this change will look like.

If you want to get the maximum out of TBC, you don’t just choose the best professions for your main character. After all, as a leatherworker or blacksmith you need resources, so you need miners and skinners. If you often want to see raids from the inside, it is best to take care of yourself with an alchemy or jeweler twink, herbalism or mining included. And if you want to wear the aforementioned tailoring sets or turn them into gold as quickly as possible, you can get several tailoring twinks in order to be able to produce as much magic/shadow cloth as possible in a short time.

Speaking of which, in order to use Profession Twinks efficiently in TBC, they must be at least level 50 . Then you can travel with them to Shattrath, the capital of Outland, to buy the recipes that are important to you there. It’s best to level your secondary characters to 50 now so that you don’t have to waste time later. If you also want to learn the specializations of, for example, alchemy, you even need level 60 for the associated quests.

WoW: Worthwhile investments for TBC
With the launch of TBC Classic, many new players will be hitting the Classic servers. In addition, many players will create a draenei or blood elf or an alliance shaman or Horde paladin, and of course also play up professions with the new Azeroth heroes. And then there’s also the new profession of jewelcrafting, which every player must level up from skill level 1 onwards. For example, you can currently find a German guide for leveling Jewelcrafting from 1 to 375 here .

Long story short, many Classic resources remain lucrative in TBC as well. You can earn a lot of gold with ores and gems in particular. Note that some ores, such as Iron Ore and Mithril Ore , will be more valuable than Thorium Ore, for example. But gold can also be made from the materials you need to craft all of the consumables we listed above. Also note that you need some Classic resources for TBC recipes as well. Blacksmith masters receive the recipe for a weapon with which they can easily increase the first skill points from 300. They require Thorium Bars , Enchanted Thorium Bars andIndestructible leather .

The bottles Mojo and Heart of the Wilderness , which are currently very cheap in Classic , are of interest to all jewelers in TBC. The situation is similar with many stone types such as heavy stone . And any alchemists who want to make healing potions or healing elixirs in TBC will need lots of Golden Sansam . However, if you want to level up enchantment efficiently from 300, you can put a lot of illusion dust on the bench. The Bracer – Superior Endurance recipe promises skill points up to around 330.

WoW: Farms gold for flying, professions and Co.
If you currently only have a few hundred gold pieces on the high edge, you should definitely do a few farm rounds before the launch of TBC. Sure, questing and leveling up in Outland gives you plenty of gold. You can also earn a lot of gold with the very useful professions in TBC. But in order to bring your crafts to the maximum in a timely manner and to produce the most valuable items, you already need a lot of gold. Even more wealth is needed if you cannot provide yourself with the most important professions, but are dependent on the goods of other players.

Also note that a new riding license will come into play with the TBC launch. The slow version costs 900 gold including the flight mount. However, if you don’t feel like crawling through the new zones, you have to spend 5,000 gold for the fast flight license and another 200 gold pieces for a corresponding mount.

Other potential cost traps

If you want to ride particularly stately through Outland, you can get the Cenarion War Hippogryphs from the Cenarion Expedition for 1,600 gold. The Amani war bear was also popular at the time. You had to earn it in the Zul’Aman Time Trial, but not every group managed this tough challenge. At that time, however, professional guilds took interested parties with them for a mere 10,000 gold.

You have to budget for even more costs if you are keen on the epic gloves, the recipes of which are only available in the Sunwell Plateau. At that time, raid guilds sold the parts for up to 20,000 gold, the sun particles required for this often cost 2,000 gold per piece (all these gold prices should be even higher in TBC Classic, since there will be more gold in circulation than back then). And if you want to fully expand your guild bank, you must have around 40,000 gold on hand.

WoW: Lots of experience right from the start
If you want to reach level 70 as quickly as possible after the launch of TBC Classic, you can shoot through the quest log with completed orders in advance and submit them in one fell swoop after the release of TBC. However, this is only worthwhile if the quests are in an area, so you don’t have to wander around the world forever to hand in everything.

WoW: Plays Battlegrounds for Battlegrounds Tokens
Competing against other players in Classic Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, or Alterac Valley will earn you tokens for that battleground at the end of a match. These tokens will continue to exist in TBC, along with the token for the new Eye of the Storm battleground. And what exactly can you do with these brands in TBC?

Well, for one, you can exchange the tokens for special PvP mounts. On the other hand, you need the tokens to pay for the standard PvP equipment parts with them and your earned honor. If you already have the tokens in your pocket, all you have to do is farm honor. Last but not least, there is also the possibility in TBC to convert tokens into honor with an NPC. Since you always exchange one token from all four battlefields for this process, you can already do the preliminary work. In TBC itself, all you have to do is farm the Eye of the Storm tokens.

WoW: Trained in the Shadowlands arenas
As you know, WoW Arenas were introduced back in The Burning Crusade, and back then Deathmatch battles were actually the only way to earn the best PvP items. With your arena team you have to earn a certain rating in order to even get access to the epic loot. Those who want to do just that can prepare for the fast-paced arena gameplay currently in Shadowlands.

World of : The Burning Crusade

Burning Crusade has the maximum level in WoW at 70 and brings 2 new playable races (Draenei& Blood Elves). In addition, there is a new continent: The Sheol

The Burning Crusade is the first expansion for the successful MMORPG World of Warcraft (WoW) from the developer studio Blizzard. The add-on introduces a new continent called Outland. There are also new races. The Blood Elves for the Horde and the Draenei for the Alliance. The classes Paladin and Shaman are now also playable for both factions. Furthermore, the expansion brings an increase in the level limit from 60 to 70 as well as flying mounts.

World of Warcraft (WoW)

The online role-playing game World of Warcraft (WoW) was released in Europe in 2005 and is an MMO with a subscription payment model. In WoW, players can complete tasks with their characters to improve their hero and meet like-minded players. There are thirteen different races to choose from when selecting a character – six of which belong to only one faction each – as well as eleven classes. In World of Warcraft, players have the opportunity to join the Horde or the Alliance, complete missions and quests with their character in the rich world, and adventure with other heroes in instanced areas for five, ten, and even 25 players. In addition, characters can take up professions, collect pets and mounts, compete against opposing players in battlegrounds and arenas, or simply unwind in the main cities and chat with their guildmates. Guides, news, videos, screenshots, reports and more about World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade are collected on our topic pages.

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