WoW: Ahune Loot and Gluthof Bonus

WoW: Solstice Festival 2021 Guide - Ahune Loot and Gluthof BonusIn keeping with summertime, the inhabitants of Azeroth will celebrate the longest day of the year – the solstice – from June 21, 2021 to July 5, 2021. Bonfires are lit in WoW and sun trees are erected to drive away evil spirits. For Solstice 2021, Blizzard has adjusted the item level of Ahune loot to level 158.

June is traditionally the longest day of the year, and WoW heroes in Azeroth are no exception. From June 21, 2021 to July 5, 2021, the brave heroes will dance around bonfires and provide themselves with fiery clothes to collect WoW achievements for the Solstice Festival. In addition, there is the special boss Frost Lord Ahune, who is only available during the solstice festivities and has some capes and a staff in his pockets. The items have an item level of 158, and the boss itself can be visited by heroes via the Dungeon Finder. All important and useful information about the WoW Solstice Festival can be found in this guide.

Solstice Festival 2021: Ahune loot and Gluthof bonus

Once again, the developers have adjusted the loot of event boss Ahune. The epic loot (see update for 2019) now has an item level of 158. In addition, you can currently make friends particularly efficiently at the Gluthof of Venthyr. Theotar has placed a bonfire that you can right-click on to receive the Herald of Theotar’s Flame buff:

“Satisfaction of all guests significantly increased. Friendship growth of guests doubled during this bonfire.”

Solstice Festival 2020: Ahune Loot Item Level Adjusted.

Solstice Festival brings little new this year, but at least Blizzard has adjusted the item levels of the items you can loot from event boss Ahune. The five capes and the Frost Crescent Staff now have item level 425.

Solstice Festival 2019: New loot for Ahune, new achievements for BfA

The five capes and the well-known Frost Crescent Staff can be found in Ahune’s bags again this year – but Blizzard’s developers have adjusted the item level again, to 365.

  • The War Cloak of the Frost Lord
  • War shawl of the frost lord
  • Cloth of winter cold
  • Frozen Cloak
  • Cloak of the Icy Winds

Lord Ahune’s Sickle of Frost

In addition, you can now purchase a new Rest Stone from the Solstice Feast merchant:

Firebreather’s Rest Stone.

And of course, Blizzard has also distributed bonfires in Kul Tiras and Zandalar for you to desecrate, as well as flames for you to honor:

  • Extinguishing Zandalar’s
  • Extinguish Kul Tiras
  • Flamekeeper of Kul Tiras
  • Flame Keeper of Zandalar

Solstice Festival 2018: Ahune tempts with loot on item level 880

Although there are no new additions to the rewards like last year, such as Fiery Flammling, which was already added in 2017, the loot from Frost Lord Ahune has increased in item level: You can pick up loot with the item level of 880 at level 110 from the event boss Frost Lord Ahune. Simply log in via the dungeon browser – from level 20 you can take on the frosty boss.


  • The Frost Lord’s War Cloak
  • The Warcloth of the Frost Lord
  • Cloth of Winter Cold
  • Frozen Cloak
  • Cloak of the icy winds
  • Formula: – Deathly Cold
  • Lord Ahune’s Frost Sickle (From Bag of Chilled Goods)
  • Ice Shard (From Bag of Chilled Goods)

Solstice Festival 2017: New Pet and Toys

At Solstice Festival 2017, you can dust off a new pet and a new toy in World of Warcraft (Buy Now ). You can get the pet Fiery Flaming as well as the toy Matchbox from the event merchant for the event currency Burning Blossoms.

You can also get the Armor Protection for Worn Heirlooms from the event vendor for 600 Burning Blossoms.

There is also good news for fans of transmogrification. With patch 7.2.5, several event items have been released for mogging.

Helmet of the Solstice Festival

  • Summer costume
  • Summer Sandals
  • Mantle of the Solstice Festival
  • Crown of the Solstice Festival

New Solstice Festival 2017 Achievements

Achievement hunters can pick up several new Achievements this year. You will need to extinguish bonfires in Draenor and the Devastated Isles. You can get the following Achievements:

  • Extinguish Draenor
  • Flame Warden of Draenor
  • Extinguish the Devastated Isles
  • Flamekeeper of the Devastated Isles

Medallion of the Flaming Defender costs 500 Firebloom at the Solstice Trader and Cozy Bonfire costs 350 Firebloom. In addition, 350 Fireblooms from Solstice merchants in the capitals will get you a small spider in the form of the Blazing Flame Crawler. Those of you who want to upgrade their heirlooms should also check out the merchants, because for 350 Blossoms you can buy armor protection for ancient heirlooms and for 600 Blossoms you can buy armor protection for weathered heirlooms. Good luck!

In 2012, a few achievements were added to the holiday that reward you for preserving the flames or putting out the fires in Northrend and the Cataclysm zones. These are the Cataclysm Flamekeeper, Northrend Flamekeeper, Extinguish Northrend, and Extinguish Cataclysm achievements for Alliance members; Horde members receive the Cataclysm Flamekeeper, Northrend Flamekeeper, Extinguish Northrend, and Extinguish Cataclysm achievements. You can find the of the bonfires in our bonfire location guides.

WoW Solstice Festival: The Special Boss – Frost Lord Ahune

In the past, the emissaries of the Earthen Ring sent you to the slave quarters (Zangarmarchs), behind the entrance of which you will find quest-giver Luma Sky Mother. Since 2010, you can simply call up the dungeon finder and search for a group for the Frost Lord. Once a day, when you defeat Ahune for the first time, you will receive a special bag of chilled goods that can contain, for example, Prince Ahune’s Frost Sickle or the pet Ice Shard. The boss also drops capes again.

A preview of Ahune’s loot:

  • The Frost Lord’s Warcloth (Ilvl is misprinted, 670 is correct).
  • War Cloak of the Frost Lord (Ilvl is misspent, 670 is correct)
  • Cloth of Winter Cold (Ilvl is misspent, 670 is correct)
  • Frozen Cloak (Ilvl is misspent, 670 is correct)
  • Cloak of the Icy Winds (Ilvl is misspent, 670 is correct).

Formula: Weapon – Deathly Cold

During the battle, watch out for the summoned elementals and eliminate them quickly, otherwise they will cause unnecessary damage. As soon as Ahune retreats into the crystal, you immediately deal damage to the core. The elemental and crystal phases repeat until Ahune turns to molten water. Remember to loot Ahune if you have not yet collected the Shard of Ahune quest item in your hero’s career and started the associated quest.

WoW Solstice Festival: The Bonfires

In Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and Northrend, the Earthen Ring has established bonfires that both Horde and Alliance players must visit for the title of “Flame Keeper” and “Flame Warden,” respectively. Talk to the Flame Keepers at your own faction’s fires to honor the bonfire and get five Burning Blossoms to boot. On the other hand, extinguish the fires of the opposing faction by right-clicking on the fire – you’ll get ten Burning Blossoms. In the enemy capitals, a particularly dangerous task awaits you: steal the torches of your arch-enemies. To do this, sneak up to the enemy campfire, click on the burning logs until you have a torch in your inventory, and then immediately run away again. Once you have collected all four fires, you will receive the achievement “King of the Fire Festival” and a majestic crown.

WoW Solstice Festival: The Burning Blossoms and Achievements

The official means of payment of the Solstice Festival are Burning Blossoms . These are needed to purchase – Season al rewards. By completing holiday tasks and honoring as well as extinguishing fires, you will receive the coveted blossoms. Especially for the Solstice achievement Fiery Sun Tree Dance, you will need to leave quite a bit of Burning Blossoms with the Solstice Merchant or Solstice Provider; the complete set will cost you 400 Burning Blossoms . You can NOT exchange the clothes back to the merchant for Burning Blossoms.

Buff for Leveling Heroes

The Solstice Festival is a good time to re-energize a dusty Twink who hasn’t reached max level yet and take advantage of the bonus experience points at Solstice. Dance around a colorfully decorated sun tree for at least a minute, and you’ll receive the Dance Around the Sun Tree spell and ten percent more experience points for killed mobs for an hour. If you throw a Burning Blossom into a bonfire, all players within range will receive the Solstice Fury. If you find a fire that has been extinguished, you can rekindle it with a single Burning Blossom. As a reward, all players in the area will receive the Blessing of the Bonfire .

Solstice Festival Quests

  • Before you set off on your world tour of Azeroth, you will meet holiday goblins in all the capitals. They will give you first hints about the Solstice event and reward you with Burning Blossom . You can accept the following tasks from them.

    The Master of Summer Teachings (A) or The Teller of Summer Stories (H) (Reward: 1 Burning Flower): This starting quest is given to you in every capital city by the Solstice Celebrators and takes you to the festival of joy in the corresponding city. There you will receive the other quests that become available as part of the Solstice Festival.

  • Smokework for the Summer Scorchers (A) or Smokework for the Festival Scorchers (H) (Reward: 1 Burning Flower): Pick up this quest from a Solstice Merchant and take the obtained quest item to a Scorchling outside of town.
  • Torch Throw (Reward: 5 Firebloom ): Seek out a master fire eater and prove your torch throwing .
  • Catching Torches (Reward: 5 Burning Flower): Catch four in a row and you will be rewarded with five Fire Blossoms. Follow the shadow of the torches you see on the ground to catch the sticks.

Once you have completed the quests, the two daily quests Throw Torches Again and Catch Torches Again will become available.

Shadowhammer Clan Quests

Besides the goblins, there are also representatives of the Earthen Ring in the capitals. One of the ancestors will offer you the following series of tasks.

  • Unusual Activities (Reward: 5 Burning Flower ): Travel to the jet-black grotto on Zoram Beach in Ashenvale, and search for letters from the Shadowhammer clan.
  • An Innocent Disguise (Reward: 5 Burning Flower ): Spy on the cultists with the help of the crab orb. Once you have gathered enough information, use the totemic beacon to summon the leader of the Earthen Ring.
  • Notify the Ancestor: Drop off the totemic beacon in one of your faction’s capital cities.

Once you have completed the quests, a daily fightback quest will become available depending on your character’s level.

  • Level 22: Frost Wave Lieutenant on Zoram Beach in Ashenvale (Coordinates: 9,12)
  • Level 32: Lieutenant of Ice Hail at Ethel Rethor in Desolace (Coordinates: 40,30)
  • Level 43: Lieutenant of the Ice Wind on the Island of Water Elementals in the west of Stranglethorn Valley (Coordinates: 21,23)
  • Level 51: Lieutenant of Ice in the cave under the Firewatch Ridge in the northwest of Searing Gorge (coordinates: 21,37)
  • Level 60: Lieutenant of the Glacier in the caverns of the Shadow Hammer in the north of Silithus (coordinates: 67,21)
  • Level 67: Icy Templar near the Dark Portal on Hellfire Peninsula (coordinates: 84,47)


Shard of Ahune (Reward: 20 Burning Flower): You can only capture this quest item from Ahune herself. Bring the shard to Luma Sky Mother in the slave quarters and you will receive an exclusive tabard. This quest is unique and cannot be repeated.

What is ?

is a true recreation of the original WoW as you know it from 2006. All parts of the game – from combat mechanics and talent trees to character models and zones – have been recreated, contributing to the authentic experience.

Getting Started

All players with an active World of Warcraft subscription or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost.

  1. Open the Blizzard Desktop App and select World of Warcraft from the menu.
  2. Select World of Warcraft Classic from the Version menu. If you have more than one World of Warcraft account, you’ll see a second Account drop-down list. In this column, select the active account you want to play with.
  3. Click the Install button. The progress bar will tell you when your game is ready to play.
  4. Click the Play button when the installation is complete.

You will need to select the realm you want to play on from several different realm types. Make sure you choose the same realm as your friends – in World of Warcraft Classic, you can only group with characters that are on the same realm as you!

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