With this battle team you will flatten every arena – eSportsNews eSports PokemonGo

In Pokémon GO, it can be annoying to choose a new team for every arena battle. But we’ll show you a team with which you can defeat almost any arena without any problems.

This is the battle team: In the battle team are 6 Pokémon that will best support you in the classic arena defenders.

If you have this battle team ready beforehand, then you can take any arena in record time.

These 6 Pokémon should be in the battle team

This is how you should start: Of course, you should create this battle team beforehand. To do this, go to your Pokémon box and swipe to the left. There you can create battle teams for yourself

You should also have this ready for each legendary raid boss.

Combat Team

The combat team from our author Noah.

This is how the team should look like: We’ll show you the recommended team here and then explain why these Pokémon belong on the team:

  1. Machomei
  2. Machomei
  3. Machomei
  4. Despotar
  5. Snibunna
  6. Rayquaza

Rank 1-3: Machomei

That’s why you need Machomei: The best Arena Defenders, such as Heiteira, Relaxo, or Chaneira are all Normal type. Against them, only Battle Pokémon are effective.

You need 3 Machomei right away, because most arenas are filled with several Normal Pokémon. So you can easily defeat them with your Machomei.

That’s why Machomei of all things: This Pokémon is the best battle-type monster. Other battle Pokémon like Hariyama or Kapilz are also good, but Machomei defeats Heiteira and Relaxo the fastest. In addition, it also keeps off some damage.

Rank 4: Despotar

That’s why you need Despotar: It is important that your Despotar have the attacks Catapult and Stone Edge. You need the rock Pokémon for defenders like Garados or Dragoran, because they are popular defenders. With Despotar you can effectively hit exactly these Pokémon.

That’s why Despotar, of all things: Despotar has a very good rock moveset and also a lot of stamina. So you can have Despotar compete against several Pokémon without being defeated.

Rank 5: Snibunna

That’s why you need Snibunna: Snibunna gives her a second charge attack in the best case. This way, it can master both unlight and ice attacks. Unlight attacks are more important, because it should mainly defeat the psycho defenders.

Psiana, Kokowei, or even the steel Pokémon Metagross can be defeated this way. The ice attack could be used against the dragon defenders, similar to Despotar.

That’s why Snibunna, of all things: Snibunna has the special type combination ice and unlight and is therefore versatile. In addition, it has an enormous attack value and knocks down almost everything.

Rank 6: Rayquaza

This is why you need Rayquaza: With the above Pokémon, you can defeat the classic arena defenders. Rayquaza, on the other hand, knocks out all the rest. If none of the top Pokémon are effective, then go for Rayquaza. It’s the best all-rounder in the game.

That’s why Rayquaza, of all things: Rayquaza has an enormously high attack value and two powerful dragon attacks. These attacks are at least normally effective against all types except Steel and Fairy.

We have also summarized for you which Pokémon you should definitely strengthen:

Pokémon GO: These 6 Pokémon should not be missing in any battle team.

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