WildRift: Origin Series August Cup Finals Day 2

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of Legends Champion – Fighter Swain.

Jericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination… and a new, demonic hand. Now, Swain commands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.

League of Legends Teams – PSG.LGD.

PSG.LGD Dota 2 Team LogoThe PSG can do more than just football, they prove to us every year in Dota 2. Because the team is by no means a newcomer, as many might think. After FTD (For The Dream) accepted sponsorship from PSG and renamed themselves PSG.LGD in spring 2018. With the financial upswing came success on the battlefield and PSG won the EPICENTER XL and also swept TEAM Liquid 3-1 off the field.

League of Legends – Skins-Space Groove.

On Wednesday the LoL Patch 11.6 came out and brought not only the Battle Academia – Skins, but also some Balance Changes. Champions, Runes, Items and even Summoner Spells. Will LoL Patch 11.7 be as extensive?

League of Legends Guides- Zeri Champion Building.

2022 is already starting with a bang. Zeri has just been announced as the new LoL champion and can already be tested on the PBE server. She is electrifying, plays pretty fast and resembles the new VALORANT agent Neon in this respect.

LoL League of Legends – Patch Schedule 2022

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