Quitting League of Legends for 3 months?

Thank you to Boosted Betty for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdVDpVK8iMc

Find a duo: https://share.tapin.gg/e/Rav

Diamond in 2023

#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Pntheon.

Once an unwilling host to the Aspect of War, Atreus survived when the celestial power within him was slain, refusing to succumb to a blow that tore stars from the heavens. In time, he learned to embrace the power of his own mortality, and the stubborn resilience that goes along with it. Atreus now opposes the divine as Pantheon reborn, his unbreakable will fueling the fallen Aspect’s weapons on the field of battle.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – PSG.LGD.

PSG.LGD Dota 2 Team LogoThe PSG can do more than just football, they prove to us every year in Dota 2. Because the team is by no means a newcomer, as many might think. After FTD (For The Dream) accepted sponsorship from PSG and renamed themselves PSG.LGD in spring 2018. With the financial upswing came success on the battlefield and PSG won the EPICENTER XL and also swept TEAM Liquid 3-1 off the field.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-leaked.

Actually, hardly a day goes by without news about #LeagueofLegends skins. Sometimes they come from #RiotGames themselves, but often enough we hear from data miners and leakers about skins or entire skin series that will be coming to the game soon.

#LeagueofLegends Guides- Champion Roadmap.

In 2021 we got a total of 4 new champions. Each of them played a role in the champion lore of Lucian and Senna and Viego. The Sentinels event played a big part in 2021 and the released champions played an important role in that.

LoL #LeagueofLegends – TFT Patch 11.2b: Rakan, Xayah & Aurelion Dol Nerfs.

TFT’s Festival of Beats has only been out for a few days and already we get a hotfix with TFT Patch 11.2b. It’s nice that reacts so quickly. This mini-patch should make the game much more balanced. We think that’s good – and that’s why we’ve summarized the patch notes for you.

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