What is Worlds? | Worlds 2020 – League of Legends

So you’ve been hearing about Worlds, but have no idea what it is? Here’s a quick rundown.

Worlds start September 25th at www.LoLesports.com.

of Legends Sign Up & Download

Champion – Mage Brand.

Once a tribesman of the icy Freljord named Kegan Rodhe, the creature known as Brand is a lesson in the temptation of greater power. Seeking one of the legendary World Runes, Kegan betrayed his companions and seized it for himself—and, in an instant, the man was no more. His soul burned away, his body a vessel of living flame, Brand now roams Valoran in search of other Runes, swearing revenge for wrongs he could not have suffered in a dozen mortal lifetimes.

League of Legends Teams – Upstairs.

There have been many rumors about Team OG in the recent past. Apparently the opinions about the course of the tournament and success differ greatly. For the year 2018, the team could not show any notable successes and many bad followers speak more of a surprise qualification. Nevertheless, the team does not look at an empty medal wall in the living room, as they won the Kiev Major in 2017. Furthermore, the team was able to pocket money and titles at the Manila Major 2016,./p>

League of Legends – Skins-Porcelain.

is showering us with a tsunami of skins that will soon be available in the Rift. Just today we talked about the Crystal Rose skins, then out of nowhere
came the Firecracker skins, and now Porcelain skins!

League of Legends Guides- Maps.

Summoner’s Rift. The name is almost synonymous with League of Legends. It is the most famous battle arena of any ever. It’s a map that players have called home for the past 10 years, but with such a prominent map, is there even room for other maps in League of Legends?

LoL League of Legends – WildRift: Patch 1.0a nerfed OP-Champs.

The WildRift beta has been playable in several regions of the world so far. We Europeans will have to be a bit more patient until we get our hands on the beautiful mobile version of our favorite MOBA: League of Legends aka WildRift.

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