What is the strongest Evoli evolution in 2022? – eSportsNews eSports PokemonGo

In Pokémon GO, you can evolve Evoli into Pokémon such as Aquana, Psiana, Feelinara. In total, there are 8 evolutions of Evoli. We show you here which is the strongest and best evolution.

What is it about? In Pokémon GO, you can choose which Pokémon you evolve your Evoli into. The evolutions are:

  • Psiana
  • Nightara
  • Glaziola
  • Folipurba
  • Feelinara
  • Aquana
  • Blitza
  • Flamara

In this overview we want to show you the stats of the Pokémon and also clarify when which evolution is most worthwhile for you.

Battle stats of Evoli evolutions

This is what we show you:

Your Pokémon in Pokémon GO have different battle stats such as attack, defense, and HP. These stats are shown to you when you have your team leaders rate the Pokémon. Each Pokémon has a different limit when it comes to stats.

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The best development?

That’s what matters:

The best Evoli evolution for you depends on the situation. It depends on what you need the progression for. Do you really only play PvP and don’t do raids, or do you only want the progression to support your raids?

Important for Evoli:

In Pokémon GO, Evoli is not a rare Pokémon. You get the candies for it quite easily and can evolve some of them. There is no super evolution that everyone must have. Rather, the evolutions are found in the midfield of attackers – Nachtara is an exception.

For PvP:

Here the choice should fall mainly on strong Nachtara, if you do not have any yet. In the Super , it achieves a proud 4.5 out of 5 possible points according to Gamepress.gg’s rating. In the Hyper League it achieves 4 out of 5 possible points (via GamePress.gg). Thus, it is not a non-plus-ultra attacker, but it is one of the stronger representatives in the leagues. The combination of high defense and KP value make it a good tank there.

For Raids:

Glaziola is worthwhile for many trainers as a Raid Pokémon. This is also due to the fact that there are few common choices in the ice attacker realm. To that end, there are many trainers who use dragons as defenders on arenas. With Glaziola, you can easily bring them to their knees. Of all the Evoli evolutions, we see Glaziola as the best choice for Raids.

Psiana is also a strong attacker for its type. However, the stakes for Psycho attackers in Pokémon GO are manageable, as there are few Fighting and Poison-type Raid bosses.

Feelinara can be found in the midfield of the best attackers in PvP. In raids, it doesn’t play a crucial role either. It ranks between Togekiss and Guardevoir among the attackers.

Folipurba is still okay for raids. However, attackers like Roserade are very common in Pokémon GO events. As a supplement you can consider Folipurba, but it should make room for stronger attackers like Roserade.

Nachtara doesn’t play a role at all as an attacker in Raids in Pokémon GO. In Raids, you should rather go for Despotar or Snibunna of Unlight type.

Aquana, Blitza, and Flamara can be good choices for beginners. However, they are more “in-between” steps on the way to getting the right Pokémon you need for Raids. You can find an overview of the best attackers in Pokémon GO here on MeinMMO.

Which is your favorite Evoli evolution and why? Write us here on MeinMMO in the comments and tell us why you like this particular evolution so much.

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