Weapons Counter Strike – Grenades

Grenades are an inseparable part of the gameplay in CS: GO, as they allow you to the flow of the game if used properly. There are 7 types of grenades within the game, and each of them has its own uses in multiple situations.


Types of grenade throws
Flashbang Grenade
HE Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Molotov/Incendiary Grenade
Types of grenade throws
You can throw grenades at 3 distances – Grenades | Weapon list in CS GO – Weapon List – CS GO Game Guide
You can throw grenades at 3 distances:

Grenades-Counter Strike

By holding the LMB you will throw your grenade at a large distance.
By holding the RMB you will throw your grenade right at you enemy’s feet.
Holding LMB+RMB will result in a medium distance throw, here it is important to press and release the buttons at the same time.
When holding LMB+RMB you can also change your decision and fluently transfer to the long or short distance throw by releasing the relevant button.
As you gain more experience in throwing grenades, you will be able to intuitively match the type of throw to the current situation on the map, e.g. when the enemy is located right around the corner you can use the RMB, in order to throw the grenade right at his feet, which will greatly increase your chances of eliminating him. Remember, that you can always change your decision, even if you have already removed the pin but have not thrown the grenade yet, and select a different grenade or go back to using your main weapon.

A player who is looking directly at the exploding grenade will be blinded for much longer than the player who could see it merely with the corner of his eye.The effectiveness of the flashbang’s blinding quality decreases as the distance from the explosion increases.A person that is standing with his back turned towards the explosion will not experience any negative effects.

A technique revolving around a throw that will not allow the enemy to have any time to react, pull back or look away. This type of throw usually results in a mid-air explosion or an explosion right in front of the enemy, this way the falling grenade will not generate the sound that can warn the enemy player.

Another technique is to throw the grenade in such a way, that it explodes behind your back, in the opposite direction to the one you will be running in. This method is useful on shorter distances, when you are unable to use.

A grenade, which explodes after a certain amount of time and deals substantial damage to all enemies within a large radius – Grenades | Weapon list in CS GO – Weapon List – CS GO Game Guide
A grenade, which explodes after a certain amount of time and deals substantial damage to all enemies within a large radius. The maximal damage of the HE grenade is 98 to an unarmored enemy and 57 if the foe is wearing armor. The HE can be a lethal weapon against hostiles during eco rounds. Depending on which side of the conflict you are on, the HE grenade can have different uses.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a multiplayer shooter computer game developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) is a sequel to the popular game Half-Life: Counter-Strike, which was released in 1999. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released on August 21, 2012.

The popularity and audience of CS: GO is constantly growing.

It is not the first year that a large number of sports tournaments, from amateur to professional, are held in the discipline The prize fund of the tournaments in CS: GO is constantly growing and amounts to $1,000,000 in some competitions.

The game has a large number of weapon skins, they do not provide any additional advantage in the game, the price of which reaches several thousand dollars, and anyone can get them by playing the game or opening skins that also fall into the game. The finals of the major tournaments are broadcast on television, and bets on the outcome of the game are made by bookmakers, who talk about the further development and popularization of CS: GO.