Weapons Call of Duty-Olympia

The Olympia is a double-barreled shotgun from and : Black Ops II.

Call of Duty: Black Ops


The Olympia can often be found in the Payday mission, where it’s also strong in some places, but it

suffers from the same drawbacks as in multiplayer. The short-range and the permanent need to reload makes players on higher difficulty levels more likely to leave the weapon behind and look for something to fight at a longer distance.


The Olympia is part of the melee standard class with the extras Hardliner, Nimble and Tactical Mask. Although it doesn’t take long to reload the weapon, many players use this combination. Lightweight and Marathon are also worthwhile, because the weapon is designed to be as close to the enemy as possible, and these extras help with that.

If you want to use the Olympia, it’s still a stupid idea to rush straight at an enemy. He probably has a weapon with a longer range and a faster rate of fire. Instead, you have to avoid your enemies and stay under the cover as long as possible. The Olympia, therefore, proves great on maps where you can flank the enemy. With patch 1.06, shotguns take away the effect of the Second Chance extra. This was done because headshots with shotguns are difficult and it’s the only way to instantly take out enemies with this extra.

With or without agility, it is best to reload after each shot when the situation is safe. Sometimes you need both barrels of the gun to take out an enemy, sometimes enemies travel in groups. It can be said that you need to be better for the Olympia than for other because both shots must always sit. Instead of nimbleness, you can also use Steady Hand. Furthermore, when reloading, the number is there earlier than the animation is finished, so you can cancel it from this point.

The damage drop is greater with the Olympia than with the other shotguns. For example, the Stakeout. It has a long range for its shells, but it also has a long-range for the “one hit” range because it doesn’t scatter as much. However, the Stakeout is also pumped action. The Olympia, therefore, has a much better chance of killing an opponent if the first shot didn’t sit. Also, the wider spread makes it easier to take out multiple targets at once, especially if they are in one spot, such as in the second-floor rooms in the buildings on Nuketown.

Survival Combat
The Olympia is easy to have in Survival Combat, as it co-spawns with the M14 in the first room the player starts in. This is true for every map except Dead Ops Arcade and the redesigned maps from Call of Duty: World at War. It only costs 500 points, which is the amount players start with. It works like the double-barreled shotgun from World at War, except that it is cheaper and available earlier. While it is directly available, it also has less ammo. If you aim accurately, one shot can finish off the hellhounds in later rounds. Although it is very effective, it loses the ability to kill with one shot after round 6. You should buy extra Juggernog and Speed Cola for this. It’s best not to keep the Olympia at all and give it away after round 7 unless you punch it.


  • Cinema of the Dead – at the bottom of the left staircase in the Starter Room.
  • Five – in the same room as Quick Revive.
  • Ascension – in the room with the centrifuge on the second floor.
  • Call of the Dead – on the bridge located to the right of the spawn.
  • Shangri-La – on the wall to the left of the spawn point.
  • Moon – on the wall outside the room with Quick Revive.

If you punch the Olympia, then it becomes Hades, with more damage, an increased range, 60 more rounds and incendiary ammo. It also speeds up the reload time, though not as much as with Speed Cola. The Hades kills zombies confidently through round 18-19 and is an effective weapon to watch out for at windows. It always kills hellhounds with a shot to the head, regardless of the round.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

The Olympia appears again in the campaign and in Survival.


The Olympia is already available right at the beginning and can be set as a selection in the class editor at any time before starting a mission.


The Olympia appears again in Black Ops II in Survival and plays pretty much the same role as in the predecessor. It is available for 500 points at the beginning of each map. She is extremely similar, if not identical, to her predecessor and kills with one shot until round 6, unless you buy double fire malt beer, which kills her instantly until round 11. Punched, she is again Hades and cannot be pushed into the machine more than once. Hades uses double fire malt beer to kill a zombie with one shot until round 35. You just have to stand pretty close to the zombie


  • Bus Depot/ TranZit – on a wall to the left of the mannequin.
  • Farm – on the wall of the larger barn where the Remington would hang in TranZit.
  • Town – on a wall next to the entrance to the building with the Semtex grenades.
  • Nuketown Zombies – in front of the trucks in the middle of the map.
  • The Rise – is on a wall in the starter area next to the first door.
  • Mob of the Dead – in the library in the starter area.
  • Buried – between two barriers.
  • Origins – are seen in the trailer and in the opening scene.


Black Ops

  • Der Name der gepunchten Olympia lautet Hades und ist damit ein Wortspiel. In der griechischen Mythologie lebten die 12 alten Götter, die “Olympianer”, auf dem Berg Olymp, während Hades der Gott der Unterwelt war.
  • Auf Patronen, die aus der Waffe fliegen, kann man das Wort “SPICY 3” lesen.
  • Wenn man die Waffe mit Gold tarnt, färben sich auch die Patronen golden. Das Gleiche gilt für die SPAS-12 und die Stakeout.
  • Die Olympia ist die einzige Primärwaffe im Spiel, für die es keine Aufsätze gibt.
  • Beim Nachladen sieht es für andere Spieler so aus, als würde man die Patronen von unten in den Lauf stecken, wie bei der SPAS-12 oder der Stakeout. Das liegt daran, dass Treyarch für alle Schrotflinten die selbe Animation benutzt hat. Schießt man damit, dann sieht es für andere Leute auch so aus, als würde man die Waffe nach jedem Schuss “pumpen”.
  • In den Spieldateien wird die Olympia “rottweil72_mp” genannt.
  • Im Multiplayer kommen beim Schießen mehr Funken aus der Olympia als im Ãœberlebenskampf, wo fast keine zu sehen sind.
  • Die gepunchte Olympia ist die einzige Waffe im Ãœberlebenskampf, die Brandmunition verwendet.

Black Ops II

  • The Olympia in Black Ops II has a shorter barrel than the Olympia in Black Ops, unless you use the long barrel.
  • It is one of only two weapons where the long barrel also changes something about the weapon externally. The Olympia normally has five vents on the barrel, but with the long barrel it becomes seven. The other weapon to which this applies is the Executioner.
  • In Survival, the Olympia always has the long barrel, but it does not count as an attachment there.
  • In TranZit, Die Rise, and Buried, you can get a permanent upgrade where the Olympia is replaced with the Ray Cannon.
  • The Olympia has two different fire sounds, one when you are inside a building and one for outside.

Call of Duty

The Call of Duty series has existed since 2003 and in addition to various spin-offs, including for the handheld systems Nintendo DS and Sony PSP, 14 major titles of the series have now been released. Ever since the first part of the series, great emphasis has been placed on the online multiplayer mode in addition to the single-player campaign, which is also reflected in the development of the shooter series. Since the first Call of Duty, World at War, which was developed exclusively by Treyarch, each part also included cooperative challenges that you could play together with friends. The latest installment, Call of Duty: World War II, also features an extended multiplayer mode that puts you and your friends in the combat zones and famous battles of World War II. Using the divisions, you’ll be able to choose between the deadly sniper and the brute armored division and your comrades in battle. In addition, World War II also has a zombie mode “Nazi Zombies”, as in its predecessor Call of Duty: Black Ops. Face the monsters of the Third Reich and win glory and honor.