We now know why you quit WoW Classic – eSportsNews eSports WoW Classic

Many players have quit WoW Classic again. We have identified five reasons why you have turned your back on the old Azeroth.

A few days ago, we asked our readers what reasons they had for abandoning Classic and turning back to other games. You have diligently participated in the survey, so now we can talk about the results. We were able to find several reasons why some players stopped playing WoW Classic.

of all, it must be said that the justifications are diverse and all quite close to each other. In the voting, several justifications are only a few votes apart. Only the main reason, that is our rank 1, has a huge lead and seems to have become a problem for especially many players.

WoW Classic server transfers closed

Therefore here is a quick run-through of the places 10 to 6.

  • Rank 10: The population of the factions is not balanced (2%)
  • Rank 9: The game is too easy and offers no challenge (3%)
  • Rank 8: There is too much grind (3%)
  • Rank 7: The game is not as good as you remembered (5%)
  • Rank 6: Other reasons (5%)

Place 5: There is nothing to do in the game (no content)

Unlike the current World of Warcraft, Classic doesn’t have 7 expansions under its belt yet and therefore simply offered too little content for some players. Those who made it through the leveling phase had quite few activities to tackle. Those who enjoy dungeons and raids and like to collect the pet sets will still be motivated a bit.

But who prefers to look for other activities, won’t have much to do in Classic – at least that is the opinion of at least 5% of the votes cast.

Place 4: You switched to “retail” WoW

With WoW Classic, many players have once again taken out a subscription with Blizzard but not all of them have stayed with Classic for long. Since both WoW variants share the same subscription, it was easy to briefly look into “retail” WoW. 6% of the votes indicated indicated that they were Battle for Azeroth for the first time or again and have turned their back on Classic.

So the Classic-Boom also had a good thing for the current WoW and has led to a small player boon there.

Place 3: The community does not behave like it did back then

One of the main reasons that are always mentioned is that the community of World of Warcraft no longer behaves in the same way as it did almost 15 years ago. Whether this is really only due to the players is hard to say, since circumstances have changed as well. Today information is much more easily accessible through the Internet and specialist sites with and tricks are a dime a dozen. This has many players to be more “effective” and thus more ambitious. more ambitious. The reduced time of many players also ensures that people want to spend their free time as intensively and effectively as possible.

But apparently a little bit of the spirit of the original WoW Classic has been lost. Because a full 7% stated that the community simply no longer behaves the way it did back then.

Place 2: The friends do not play anymore

In second place is also a reason that has to do with the social component. This time, however, it is not about changed behavior but about the simple absence. In many cases, friends have stopped playing WoW and that reduces the motivation to log into Classic at all.

After all, one of the great points of Classic was that you still had a tight sense of community and fellowship here. Dungeons are not played with strangers, but with a close circle of friends and the guild. If exactly this circle of friends breaks away, Classic loses a lot of its appeal. For 7% of the votes cast, this was the decisive reason for discarding Classic.

WoW Orcs Human Laughing undead crying title 1140x445

Place 1: The game takes too much time

That this reason lands in 1st place is hardly surprising, but the extent of the lead is quite remarkable. With 28% of the votes cast, time is the deciding factor why WoW Classic lost some players again. After all, even dungeons were gigantic back then – there was a reason for that.

In the game, most activities take quite a bit of time. Whether it’s visiting a dungeon, joining a raid group, or completing quests. All activities have large travel distances and some dungeons are almost impossible to complete in less than 2 hours. If you don’t want to sacrifice a lot of your free time here, you will hardly make any progress.

WoW Classic Time title

So the main reason is not that the game is not fun, but that there is simply not enough time left for players to meet their own demands and desires in the game.

Does the result meet your expectations? Or would you have rated other reasons as more important?

By the way, there will soon be “new” content in WoW Classic, because:

WoW Classic Phase 3: All info on the release of the fair, BWL and class quests.


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