Value squeeze is only a bug (update)

A look at the account-based gear on the beta server and PTR for WoW: Dragonflight suggested that another stat squish would be implemented with the upcoming . However, a community manager now gives the all-clear. The stat squish is just a bug

Update 13 September 2022: In WoW: Dragonflight awaits us no new value squish after all! This was announced by Community Manager Kaivax in the official WoW forum. The fact that account-bound items currently have less stats than on the live servers is due to a bug related to the Chromie Time redesign. It is still unclear whether WoW: Dragonflight will make old Shadowlands or BfA raids easier to farm, similar to previous expansions.

As redditor Burneddowntown discovered in the official WoW Reddit forum, there will be a stat squish again with WoW: Dragonflight. This stat squish is something the developers have been doing lately whenever the maximum level has increased with the new addon. and enemies will be downscaled and adjusted to a new level, so to speak.

The value squeeze leads to the fact that, for example, there is only +5 instead of +12 strength on the account-bound chest plate compared to Shadowlands in Dragonflight. In exchange, however, the strength of the mobs should then be equalized. As the past has shown, the developers have not adjusted the Stat Squish since BfA but not well managed and thus made the game worse.

New stat squish in Dragonflight

Leveling twinks becomes a roulette game again with the value squeeze. Either the developers get it right, or leveling becomes a pain again. The bigger fear of the stat squish, however, is that it will once again not simplify raids from past expansions the way they were used to before Shadowlands. On the Dragonflight beta server, the final Mythic bosses in the Legion raid Tomb of Sargeras are suddenly challenging players again, even though their characters have become even stronger in the meantime.

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Normally, a raid that goes back two expansions can be easily mastered by a player of the new maximum level and with some equipment. In some cases, even the first raid of the previous expansion was soloable. Since Shadowlands, however, this is no longer the case. The stat squeeze, which has been active since BfA, has made old raids much more difficult. Mount and transmog collectors now fear that the stat squeeze in WoW. (buy now ): Dragonflight might affect old BfA and Shadowlands raids.

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