VALORANT VCT 2022 NA Stage 2

Agent Guide: Raze

Valorant player of the month, February 2022: penny

The VCT Challengers are hype and full of exciting matches. Many of you probably only watch the “main” matches – you know, the ones with the big names and established organizations. That’s understandable, but it’s also an easy way to overlook talented players like Version1’s Erik “penny” Penny, who we’re going to dedicate an entire article to today.

Valorant Weapon Guide: Vandal

Today we start our Valorant Weapon Guide series, where we go through all the weapons in detail with you. Let’s start with the Vandal, one of the most popular and most played weapons. We’ll explain why that is.

All Valorant Skin Collections in 2022

Compared to other FPS games, weapon skins in Valorant can be really stunning and change the a lot. It’s been 2 years since the game’s release and Riot still has to come up with new designs that players will take to their hearts. Let’s see how they have done so far in 2022!

Patch Notes -Valorant: New agent Deadeye teased!

We just got a new agent with KAY/O, and already Riot Games teases another new Valorant agent. Riot’s Year One Anthem video gives some hints about the new Valorant agent Deadeye. We have all the info.

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Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Riot Games. It is the first game developed by Riot Games in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name Project A. It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform Twitch (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the Riot Games account for this. Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.

Valorant Agent, Valorant Agents, Valorant, Valorant Controller Agent, Valorant Duelist Agent, Valorant Initiator Agent, Valorant Sentinel Agent, Valorant Game, Riot Games,

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