Valorant Update 1.07: Big Nerfs Arrive

The developer studio Games has recently released update 1.07 for the multiplayer shooter Valorant, which will be available for download the next time you start the game. The focus of the latest patch is, among other things, on balancing changes for several characters. For example, there is a nerf for Killjoy and his “Nano Swarm”, which now causes less damage and can be countered better. But there are also some changes for Sage, Viper and Breach.

The team has also worked on the hit feedback, so that in the future you should be able to recognize better whether you have hit an enemy or not. The developers have also worked on the shotguns again to adjust their effect a bit. You can find the complete patch notes on the official website of Valorant (buy now ). Here already a small excerpt:

Excerpt of the patch notes for Valorant v1.07

Quality of Life

  • Observers can toggle aim lines for players (default bind: R)
  • Observers can change which teams outline are visible (defaults: H – All, J – Friendly to spectated player, K – Enemies of spectates players, L – None)
  • Corpse markers shown when corpses are disabled now obey colorblind settings
  • Hotkey order for selecting players for observers should no longer shuffle in overtime
  • Observers should now see the money on the HUD for the player they are spectating
  • Added a setting for disabling the in-game UI (General -> Hide User Interface In Game)
  • Added a setting for disabling the cross-hair (Crosshair -> Disable Crosshair)
  • Observers can hide person character arms. (General -> Hide First Person Arms)
  • Observers can toggle team-based crosshair coloring for spectated targets via the settings menu (General -> Use Team Color for Crosshair Color)
  • Improved framerate by allowing a wider variety of VFX to be multi-threaded, examples include Brimstone’ Sky Smokes and Breach’s Rolling Thunder
  • For anyone who’d rather keep their identity private in-game, we’ve added these features:
    • Hide my name from non-party members (agent name will be used)
    • Hide the names of others in my game who aren’t in my party (agent names will be shown)


The comprehensive update 1.07 for Valorant is available. (2) [Quelle: PC Games]

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