Riot Games unveils VCT format for 2023

Riot Games today presents first details, new events and the format of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2023 ago.

To celebrate the start of the – Season , each team selected for a partnership will be invited to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to participate in the largest international tournament in the history of the VCT to participate. During the three-week tournament get VALORANT-fans around the world will get their first look at new team lineups and which teams may have put together the best squad during the – Season break. This unique event will begin in early February and the winning team will then be crowned in March. The winning team will earn an additional reserved spot for their league for the first international event of the – Season , the Masters.

Following the – Season -opening tournament, there is the first split of the year with weekly LAN competitions in EMEA, the Pacific Region and the Americas. International league matches will be held in three cities: Berlin, Seoul and Los Angeles. Each city will have talented on-site announcers commentating on events in multiple languages for fans from around the world. The split begins in March and features eight weeks of regular – Season contests. Then, in May, the three league champions will be crowned. In future – Season s, there will always be two splits of the international leagues, but for 2023 it will be limited to one split of the international tournament to give teams enough time to settle into their respective regions.

“The VALORANT-players have encouraged us with their passion to dream big and to VALORANT Champions Tour continue to evolve so we can meet the overwhelming demand around the world for competition,” said Whalen Rozelle, COO of e-sports at Riot Games. “In 2023, we’re taking everything we’ve learned so far, adding a few new ideas and forming partnerships that will help us achieve our dreams for the next VCT to comply.”

The second international tournament of the year, the Masters, returns in June and will feature the best teams from each international league. The event will feature the best teams from each region with a direct qualification to the Champions, the final of the VALORANT-World Cup, reward. Then, in July, the “Last Chance” qualifying rounds will take place again. Leading teams that have not yet qualified for the Champions have qualified, will get one last chance to earn a spot in the most important event of the – Season . Each of the three LCQs will field a team in the Champions promote. And in August ends the VCT— Season with Champions.

In addition to an inaugural – Season full of changes and new events, the real goal is quite simple: to make the Champions-Cup and make their own name in history. During the biggest event of the – Season , the teams will be at their best and in the end one team will become the VALORANT-Champion crowned.

Riot Games also gives new details about the Challengers Circuit known, which at the same time became the VCT— Season will take place. The circuit is designed to give aspiring teams the opportunity to qualify for international competitions in 2024. Two Challenger-Splits begin in January and culminate in July in the Ascension-Tournament. These tournaments feature the best teams from over twenty different Challengers-Leagues compete against each other. It will see dozens of teams competing in LAN events for regional recognition and promotion to the international leagues.



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