VALORANT Players Agree on Most Toxic Agents

Toxic teammates are an unfortunate reality in competitive games like . Players often encounter uncooperative allies who disrupt matches, spread pessimism, or offer overly critical commentary. In a recent discussion, the VALORANT community identified the two agents most commonly associated with toxic players, shedding light on this agent-picking trend.

Unveiling the Agents Preferred by Toxic Players

According to a Reddit post, the agents most frequently chosen by toxic players are and . While individual experiences may vary, these two agents consistently appeared as favorites among players with toxic behaviors. The discussion revealed a pattern that resonated with many players, highlighting the issue.

Reyna: A Self-Centered Choice

Reyna, the Mexican soul-harvesting duelist, garnered significant attention in the discussion. Players shared their experiences encountering toxic Reyna players who exhibited ruthless and self-centered behavior. Reyna’s abilities, focused on self-sustainability and fragging potential, align with the mindset of players seeking individual success in a team-based game.

Jett: Operator-Centric and Popular Among Juniors

Jett, known for her mobility and Operator-centric playstyle, emerged as another favored agent among toxic players. Participants in the discussion pointed out that Jett’s popularity extended to younger players within the player base. The combination of Jett’s flashy abilities and potential for high-impact plays may appeal to players seeking personal glory, sometimes at the expense of teamwork.

and : Agents for Throwers

While Reyna and Jett stood out as the top choices among toxic players, Phoenix and Raze also received mentions. These agents appeal to a specific subset of toxic players known as “throwers.” Phoenix and Raze possess abilities that can harm teammates or disrupt spike defuses, making them suitable choices for those looking to disrupt the game or grief their own team.

Other Agents with Toxic Players

Although the focus was on Reyna and Jett, players also highlighted the presence of toxic players among other agent mains. Killjoy, Chamber, and Sage were mentioned as agents whose players exhibited unreasonable behavior. Killjoy players were criticized for their overconfidence in executing complex setups, while Sage players often exhibited a similar toxic attitude when duo-queuing with Jett.

Duelists’ Bad Reputation

Duelists, in general, have long held a reputation for being popular picks among toxic players. Their aggressive playstyle and focus on fragging make them attractive to individuals seeking personal glory. However, it’s essential to remember that not all players who choose duelists are toxic, and it’s important not to stereotype them based solely on their agent choice.

Initiators and Controllers: Less Attention in the Discussion

Initiators and controllers, such as Viper and Breach, did not receive as much attention in the discussion about toxic players. While they may not be the preferred agents among toxic players, it’s important to recognize that toxicity can manifest regardless of the agent selected. Toxic behavior is not limited to a specific role or playstyle.

Dealing with Toxic Teammates

When encountering toxic teammates, it’s crucial to maintain composure and focus on your own gameplay. Muting toxic players can help create a more positive gaming experience and prevent their negativity from affecting your performance. Additionally, reporting toxic behavior to Games can contribute to making VALORANT a safer and more enjoyable environment for all players.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior for a Safer VALORANT

To combat toxicity and ensure a healthier community, it’s important to report players who engage in unacceptable behavior. Reporting toxic players helps identify and take appropriate action against those who violate the game’s code of conduct. By collectively working towards creating a respectful and supportive environment, we can make VALORANT a better place for everyone.


Are Reyna and Jett the only toxic agents in VALORANT?

While Reyna and Jett were identified as preferred agents among toxic players, toxicity can manifest regardless of the agent chosen. Toxic behavior is not limited to specific agents and can be exhibited by players playing any role or agent.

Why do toxic players prefer agents like Reyna and Jett?

Reyna’s abilities are predominantly self-centered, appealing to players seeking individual success. Jett’s high mobility and Operator-centric playstyle can attract players who prioritize personal glory over teamwork.

How can I deal with toxic teammates in VALORANT?

It’s important to stay focused on your own gameplay and not let toxic behavior affect your performance. Muting toxic players and reporting their behavior can help create a more positive gaming experience.

Are all players who choose duelists toxic?

No, not all players who choose duelists are toxic. It’s important not to generalize or stereotype players based solely on their agent choice. Toxicity can manifest among players of any agent.

Why is reporting toxic behavior important?

Reporting toxic behavior helps maintain a safe and enjoyable gaming environment for all players. By reporting unacceptable behavior, you contribute to a healthier community and encourage positive changes in player conduct.