Valorant Patch 4.11 at a Glance

Patch Notes - Valorant Patch 4.11 at a glance: Agent bug fixes, Clutch Mute & more
You hear too many voices in your games? has found a solution! | ©

And so ends Episode 4. Was it a revolutionary episode? No, not necessarily. But even if there was no revolution, we could definitely see an evolution of the game, especially when it comes to quality of life changes. And here we have another full of nice improvements that may not be too fancy, but we all appreciate having them in the game. Ladies and gentlemen, these are the official patch notes 4.11!



Social updates

We all know those moments when we’re trying to win the round, but our teammates go nuts in voice chat and just won’t shut up. Now we have a solution:

  • Mute in Clutch Moments – You can now mute all of your teammates and/or group members so you can focus when the chips are down!

And all it takes is a single button press in a clutch situation. Okay, but how do you turn this on?

  1. Go to Settings (Esc) > Control > Communication.
  2. Set the key assignments for the clutch mute button for group and team chat.
  3. Press the button in-game to “TURN ON” clutch mute for group and/or team chats, and press it again to “TURN OFF” it.
  4. In your match, you can turn the mute on or off at any time by pressing the selected button. An icon will show you when it is activated.

After the release of Fade, we’ve heard too many voices already and we don’t need more, especially during clutch moments.

Agent bug fixes

And as we mentioned before, patch 4.11 brings a lot of bug fixes related to agents, to be more precise: 16 pieces of 10 different agents. They are:

All agents

  • Fixed a bug where the purchase menu would sometimes display invalid items after agents were changed on the range or in custom games.


  • Fixed a bug where Skye would sometimes strike unintended poses while holding a weapon, which could be seen in third-person view.
  • Fixed a bug where Skye’s “pack” would not move through the shaft on Breeze.


  • Fixed a bug where Chamber’s model would continue to teleport even if he was killed mid-teleport.
  • Fixed a bug where Chamber’s “Marks” were creating large white circles on Brimstone’s sighting map from “Smoke in the Sky”.
  • Fixed a bug where the range indicator from Chambers Rendezvous did not disappear even though it was outside of the mini-map area.


  • Fixed a bug where Jett could become much faster than intended by using “tailwind” in certain situations (the so-called super sprint).


  • Fixed a bug where Cypher’s “cyber cage” would sometimes disappear from the mini-map.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Yoru to use weapons earlier than intended when he emerged from “Dimensional Drift”.
  • Fixed a bug where Yoru’s mask would flicker when he ran forward in dimensional drift.


  • Fixed a bug where Killjoy’s “Nano Swarm” would sometimes disappear from the minimap.
  • Fixed a bug where Killjoy’s “Alarm Bot” would create large white circles on Brimstone’s “Smoke in the Sky” sighting map.


  • Fixed a bug where you could sometimes see the positions of enemy Astra stars.


  • Fixed a bug where Fade’s “Nightshade” and tracks would not move through the shaft on Breeze.


  • Fixed a bug where you could not re-stabilize KAY/O after he was revived by Sage.


  • Fixed a bug where Viper’s “Toxin Shield” and “Poison Cloud” would sometimes disappear from the minimap.


  • Fixed the trick shot voice output for Sova so that it now plays when he kills an enemy with 1 or 2 skipping shock shots.

And that’s it for patch 4.11! So Riot is preparing us for the new episode where we will get a new map of Lisbon, Portugal. The update for Episode 5 will be released on June 21, which is just two weeks from now! Are you excited? Let us know on our Discord server or on our other socials like Twitter and Instagram.

What are Patchnotes?

Patchnotes are specially designed to appear only in the appropriate places.

What is Valorant?

Valorant initially appears to be a cross between and . A competitive shooter where two small teams compete against each other.

Your team is either ready to attack or defend, with the attackers placing a “stinger” (essentially a bomb) that the other team must then defuse or preferably prevent you from placing at all.

The attacking team can win by either eliminating the defenders or placing the stinger and then protecting it from defusing until the timer runs out. The defenders can similarly win by destroying the attackers before they have a chance to plant their stinger, or disarming the stinger after it has been planted.

Each team of five can play as both attackers and defenders during a game. Each game has a total of 25 rounds, with the first team to win 13 rounds declared the winner

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