We Are Changing EVERYTHING in 2023

Thank you to GameLeap #Valorant Pro Guides for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgX91dS2LLc

My friends from Omnicoach are giving away 3 brand new RTX 3080, for everyone who uploads at least 3 gameplays to their AI platform. Get my own AI Highlight at:
► https://try.valorant.omnicoach.gg/GameLeap


valorant,,,valorant nerfs,,,,,,,,chamber,valorant gun changes,,,,valorant new changes,,,,,,valorant new patch 2023

#Valorant Agents – Cypher.

Cypher, the Moroccan information trader, is a one-man surveillance squad that keeps a close eye on the enemy’s movements. No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unobserved. Nothing escapes Cypher’s notice.

#Valorant: How to get the Duality Player Card.

#RiotGames has released a brand new Lore Cinematic and with it a free gift for all players: the Duality Player Card. Here’s everything you need to know about it and how to get the limited-time item!

#Valorant Guide: How to play Duelists.

Duelist agents are the most represented among the players in #Valorant. This is because they have the highest chances of scoring kills. Duelists’ utility is designed to attack opponents head-on. But if you don’t know how to best use a duelist’s abilities, you won’t realize the agent’s true potential.

#Valorant Origin #Skins leaked.

The #Valorant Origin Skin Bundle has been leaked! #Valorant players can look forward to the upcoming patch 2.11, because patch 2.10 was skipped by #RiotGames for unknown reasons. Now a new skin bundle called Origin has been revealed.

Patch Notes -Patch 4.08 Overview: Fades release, agent nerfs & rank changes.

“WAKE UP” – that’s the slogan of the latest act in #Valorant Episode 4, and yes, you should really wake up, because today there are many changes in the game. Besides the new agent, Battle Pass and skin collection, there are also some nerfs and rank changes in #Valorant.

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#Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by #RiotGames. It is the first game developed by #RiotGames in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name Project A. It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform Twitch (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the #RiotGames account for this. #Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.

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