Valorant between hype & rejection: where do the differences come from?

Since April 7, we can play ’s new hero shooter ourselves in the first beta phase. Currently there are about 1.5 million Twitch viewers who watch streamers play their and hope to get a beta invitation themselves via Twitch drops.

Colleague Phil is also sure that Valorant will be a success. Why, read his Beta conclusion:

So while there is a general interest in Riot’s new game, Valorant leaves the GameStar community rather cold. Just in time for the beta launch, we started a poll this morning asking if you’re interested in the beta, or if the new hype leaves you rather cold. Here is the result: Participants: 1290

Despite relatively few votes, the trend is still quite clear: Over 80% of you have no interest in the beta. What is the reason for that? For very few, it’s because it’s a bit more work to get beta access.

In search of that certain something

Valorant has a little bit of everything that makes a successful competitive shooter: the gameplay of CSGO, the of Overwatch and the tactical approach of RainbowSixSiege. But what exactly makes Valorant unique?

This is exactly the question our community is increasingly asking in the comments and has not yet found a direct answer. Nilsemann writes about this:

“I think Valorant looks boring and interchangeable. In my estimation, it’s not going to be THE new shooter, just another one that no one will be talking about in a few months.”

There is also the question of why leave one of the already established shooters for Valorant. Jade Crystal writes:

“Honestly not convinced. Won’t take me away from Overwatch currently.”

Niche rather than broad mass

If we look at the graphics and gameplay of Valorant, it quickly becomes clear that Riot is not aiming for a niche community. The shooter from the of Legends makers should inspire as many players as possible and convince them with the Easy-To-Learn-Hard-To-Master principle.

On top of that, there are low system requirements and simpler comic book graphics to go with it. This mega-package of all sorts of features will leave you skeptical rather than jumping for joy. Reader hunter7j summarizes:

“I don’t quite get the tactics behind the game. On the one hand, you want to appeal to all the casual shooter players from and Overwatch, but on the other hand, you’re going for absolute hardcore skill gameplay. That doesn’t really fit together for me.”

What you’re missing is a clear directionValorant wants to go in the same direction as Escape from Tarkov or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, for example. The beta will show whether Valorant can still manage the balancing act and convince some of you to try it out.

The colleagues from MeinMMO started the same poll for the yesterday at the same time and so far can report a completely different outcome. There, almost half of all survey participants have been waiting forever for such a shoote.r and another 20 percent want to try Valorant at least once.

So Valorant does not meet with skepticism everywhere and can inspire many fans of the genre in some communities. So far, Riot’s new hero shooter is only in closed beta, so things can still change. Only time will tell if the euphoria will last and if some skeptics among you will dare to play the new shooter.

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