Valorant Agents- Sentinel

Finally – a new Sentinel Agent is coming to ! In addition to the character announcement, we also got a glimpse of the changes from the latest Valorant from .

What was discussed about the agent updates last week? No nerfs for Viper, Yoru wasn’t reworked either – but there were changes for KAY/O, Skye, and Jett. Playing in Ranked Mode is not the same anymore. The has shifted and Riot wants to turn it upside down once again with a new Sentinel Agent. The Deadeye Agent has been rumored in the community for a long time, but now the developers have unpacked the details for the first time and shown the direction they plan to take with the next updates.

The new Sentinel Agent

In a new Riot blog post, one of the Valorant developers, John Gosicki, assured us that the new agent would be “Magnifique”. For those of you who are not French, this could confirm the leaks that said the new agent could be French!

Our robo-buddy KAY/O has been giving Radiants a run for their money for a while now. While he’s been adding to our squad of blenders, we’ve been using the time to refine our next agent. A guardian that focuses on mechanical counter moves and also comes with weapon gimmicks to round out the package. We don’t want to reveal more yet, but once you realize your dream moment, it’s going to be a bombastic show!

Coffee without milk… Good choice, Mr. Deadeye!

The picture below comes along with the quote from Riot…. Fits nicely with the picture of Deadeye that has been floating around the last few months. What do you guys have to say about it?

Unfortunately, we can’t see exactly what’s on the card. The picture is so small for a good reason – Riot doesn’t want to give too much away.

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Possible skills: Deadeye Agent

Until recently we had no idea about Deadeye at all, but through the blog entry, we have the first hints. Here again:

A guardian that focuses on mechanical counter moves, with additional weapon shenanigans to round out the package.

Here’s another look at some cosmetics from the latest Battle Pass:

Do the cards have anything to do with the new agent?
  • Get your fingers on those Cosmetics faster with our guide: 3 to Level Valorant Battle Pass Faster.

Might the cards be related to Deadeye abilities? Will we soon be able to cast traps that look like weapons? So, according to Riot’s blog post, there are still some unanswered questions. If we find out anything new about Deadeye, we’ll let you know in our Valorant section – so check back regularly!

Agents are the playable characters in Valorant. Each agent belongs to one of four possible classes and has four abilities. In addition, almost every agent represents a country.

There are nineteen agents in total, although in the earliest versions of the game there were only eight. The rest were added gradually.

There are four different classes: Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel.

Agents have one Signature Ability which they get free of charge each round.

The riot was meaning to send off the game with 12 agents, however, just 8 were accessible in the early press constructs. On March 29, 2020, a confidential occasion presented Breach. Since the Closed Beta send-off on April 7, 2020, Raze was added alongside the guide Split, bringing the Agent complete to 10. Five agents are accessible at the first send-off, with two more that can be effortlessly opened by stepping up in the game. More agents can be opened by taking Contracts and assembling XP on them.

Agents have base well-being of 100; Light Shields carry the most extreme well-being to 125 and Heavy Shields to 150.

It is the goal of the designers that another specialist be delivered around once per act. New agents require 12-15 months to create, and their plan is engaged around focuses, for example, what’s absent from the game’s current playstyles, are there any imminent thematics that present large open doors, and what’s required for better game wellbeing.


Every specialist satisfies one of four jobs, characterized by their capacities and playstyle:

  • Controller agents are specialists in cutting up perilous domains to get their group in a good position.
  • Duelist agents are independent fraggers who their group anticipates, through capacities and abilities, to get high frags and search out commitment first.
  • Initiator agents challenge points by setting up their group to enter the challenging ground and push safeguards away.
  • Sentinel agents are protective specialists who can secure regions and watch flanks, both on assailant and protector adjusts.

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